Celebrating the Uniqueness of Mature Women – A [M]an’s Testimony

I posted this on r/cougarsandcubs to celebrate the uniqueness and differences between the women us younger men love and enjoy while also sharing my own unique taste and appreciation for the women I have had the pleasure of getting to know. This is the uncensored version. The first time meeting a woman is exciting. The smell and touch of a woman is just magical. For some reason, meeting a woman older than myself for the first time is an even more surreal and almost out-of-body experience. The nerves of anticipation, the first eye contact and then touch, the path of the conversation, the initial physical intimacy, the exploration, the syncing of body and mind, and on and on.

Background: A long-term relationship I was in with a woman my age ended mutually last spring. After some self-reflection, I decided I would fully pursue my long-time attraction to women older than myself. I had briefly attempted it as a 20 year old with no luck. I was now in my late 20s and had filled out physically. My personality had also matured with life experience leading to a boost in confidence and intuition to carry on a conversation with most any sane human. It took a month or so to figure out my approach, but I was ready.