[M] [50] First Solo Experience

Ok this was during the summer basketball camps. My buddy and I would always get a ride home for practice from his mom. During the ride home my buddy asked if I wanted to stay for dinner and stay over and play video games. I said I would but I hate sleeping on your floor. He said don’t sweat it my sister is leaving for the weekend to hang with her friends, you can sleep in her room. His sister was a senior and we were 10th grade. She was very hot and always teasing his friends but really a bitch. I told him sure I will call my mom when we got to his place to ask (before cell phone).

When we got to his place I called and my mom said no problem. So we were playing games, when his mom asked him to go with her to the pizza parlor to pick up the pizza’s for tonight’s dinner. He said you stay here I will be back in a while.