The CatFish Diaries Part 3: The Hotel Balcony [M/F/?]

Dan had succeeded in convincing her, at least for the time being, to stay. The shower and his tongue had made sure that she wasn’t going to leave dry, though she had barely spoken a full sentence since coming back and seeing her panties pressed to his face and him stroking his cock.

He knew she figured he was some creep that had lured her into something she wasn’t ready for. She had that right. He couldn’t press. He knew he had to find some way to contain his excitement until, well you know. The right time. He was older after all, by at least 20 years and older gentleman are well gentleman. Being boorish and eager is so over done today.

Still he found himself acting like a teenage boy as he stared at her naked body, barely able to conceal the delight his bouncing cock was showing, as it gave Emi, and any people viewing from the street, below the open balcony, a big rising warm hello. He wanted to show her off like a new toy and had left the curtains open to the street 10 stories below. How he wanted to have her face pressed to that glass, hands on the window, and pumping her from behind.

Categorized as Erotica

The CatFish Diaries: Part 1 Deep Desire

With a mouth like a sailor and the body of a ballerina she created a unique prospect for his night in Amsterdam. “I am a daughter of a wealthy family back home.” she said as she stopped chewing and took the gum out of her mouth and stuck it to the leg of the end table. On your knees you need to get creative he mused and took it all in and looked at his new date fumbling with his belt.

He had stumbled to her window, half-drunk after dinner with colleagues and a failed meetup. When he spotted the name in the window and her body he had no choice. She was a dead ringer, down to even the name on her business card. Everywhere he went he was reminded. He just needed relief from what had started earlier in the hotel, but had failed so miserably, just one more chance he had hoped wistfully

“I don’t need your fucking money. I am doing this because I love cock, your cock. Now let me see what I have to work with”. She said as she reached for his belt. The cramped room, the cot in the corner and the window with the red pulsing light out front left him worried he had taken on too much. Her grating voice and the way she smacked her lips when chewing left him laughing at himself.

The Catfish Diaries: The Wet Dream [M/F] Part 3

Dan had succeeded in convincing her, at least for the time being, to stay. The shower and his tongue had made sure that she wasn’t going to leave dry, though she had barely spoken a full sentence since coming back and seeing her panties pressed to his face and him stroking his cock.

He knew she figured he was some creep that had lured her into something she wasn’t ready for. She had that right. He couldn’t press. He knew he had to find some way to contain his excitement until, well you know. The right time. He was older after all, by at least 20 years and older gentleman are well gentleman. Being boorish and eager is so over done today.

Still he found himself acting like a teenage boy as he stared at her naked body, barely able to conceal the delight his bouncing cock was showing, as it gave Emi, and any people viewing from the street, below the open balcony, a big rising warm hello. He wanted to show her off like a new toy and had left the curtains open to the street 10 stories below. How he wanted to have her face pressed to that glass, hands on the window, and pumping her from behind.

The Catfish Diaries: The Hotel Part 2 [MF]

You stand there beautiful, in your black dress, shoes in hand and teary
, mouth agape. You are staring at your panties pressed against my face, not sure what to say. Seconds tick by without any words spoken until your shoes drop to the bathroom floor.

I stand naked before you, quiet, the hiss of the hot steam spilling out of the shower. My chest soapy and wet, balls shaved and smooth. I stare back, naked desire on full view. I know how you like to watch but see you unsteady and not sure how to take it all in. Your feelings on full display.

I step out of the shower, my heart beating out of my chest. My perversions on full display set an odd backdrop to this tense, uneven moment. My wet feet unsteady, erection easing until my words find purchase in my mouth “ I am sorry….I uh….” not sure what to say “you make me want to lose myself again and I can’t help myself ….”

You take a silent step and lean against the sink for support, head down. I step out of the shower stepping toward you, my wet feet slapping on the cold tile floor. I finally know what I need to say.

Categorized as Erotica

Her lingering scent

Holding her folded up body was all he could do. He knew she needed rest and respite . Her closed eyes , long curly hair covering the cleavage and the red lace bra showing hints of her areola .

He stopped watching , in his underpants and uncovered chest. To look at him you weren’t sure what his thoughts were. Conflicted perhaps .Here , his veins and lean muscle popping showed his athletic physique.

His round ass and strong legs bent. Breathing and walking was becoming more difficult but he needed to focus , focus on her and taking care of her needs and giving her what she most desperately needed.

He loved to give and give. His love language . He felt himself hard to feel her inner thighs, and her hands gripping his long black anime hair – bakusaki lingered, looking at her cleavage and imagining her body riding his

Grabbing his fleshy cock under the sweat of the elastic waist band gave him relief momentarily . He had laid her down on the corner of the bed, her eyes closed and hands splayed above, one leg on the floor, giving him a glimpse of how wet she was . He was afraid to touch her but maybe he could….and his mind wandered back to moments earlier

Categorized as Erotica

The Catfish Diaries: A Boys Dream [M/F] Part 3

Dan had succeeded in convincing her, at least for the time being, to stay. The shower and his tongue had made sure that she wasn’t going to leave dry, though she had barely spoken a full sentence since coming back and seeing her panties pressed to his face and him stroking his cock.

He knew she figured he was some creep that had lured her into something she wasn’t ready for. She had that right. He couldn’t press. He knew he had to find some way to contain his excitement until, well you know. The right time. He was older after all, by at least 20 years and older gentleman are well gentleman. Being boorish and eager is so over done today.

Still he found himself acting like a teenage boy as he stared at her naked body, barely able to conceal the delight his bouncing cock was showing, as it gave Emi, and any people viewing from the street, below the open balcony, a big rising warm hello. He wanted to show her off like a new toy and had left the curtains open to the street 10 stories below to make sure people saw how he liked playing. How he wanted to have her face pressed to that glass, hands on the window, and pumping her from behind.

Any thoughts on a preferred narrative voice for Erotica?

Absolute Beginner here so excuse me for the question but do people have a preference for different narrative voices or points of view when it comes to Erotica?

When i think though the Erotica genre if you will…you can describe things very personally in the first person or more complex storylines and introduce characters and they all have a different effect.

Actually – maybe i should enroll in an erotic writing class :)

Categorized as Erotica

The Catfish Diaries: The Hotel Affair Part 2 [MF]

You stand there beautiful, in your black dress, shoes in hand and teary eyes, mouth agape. You are staring at your panties pressed against my face, not sure what to say. Seconds tick by without any words spoken until your shoes drop to the bathroom floor.

I stand naked before you, quiet, the hiss of the hot steam spilling out of the shower. My chest soapy and wet, balls shaved and smooth. I stare back, naked desire on full view. I know how you like to watch but see you unsteady and not sure how to take it all in. Your feelings on full display.

I step out of the shower, my heart beating out of my chest. My perversions on full display set an odd backdrop to this tense, uneven moment. My wet feet unsteady, erection easing until my words find purchase in my mouth “ I am sorry….I uh….” not sure what to say “you make me want to lose myself again and I can’t help myself ….”

You take a silent step and lean against the sink for support, head down. I step out of the shower stepping toward you, my wet feet slapping on the cold tile floor. I finally know what I need to say.

The Catfish Diaries [MF]: Part 1

With a mouth like a sailor and the body of a ballerina she created a unique prospect for his first night in Amsterdam.

“I am a daughter of a wealthy family back home.” she said as she sipped her smoky whiskey and nonchalantly stuck a wad of gum on the leg of the nightstand. On your knees you need to get creative, he mused as he took in his new “date” starting in on his belt.

Half-drunk after dinner he had stumbled past her window before stopping. Time to get some relief. It was natural to drink and seek out these places he told himself, just not after what happened earlier.

When he spotted the name in the window, and her body, he had no choice. What are the chances of finding your lovers doppelganger looking at you over a cup of tea and newspaper while dressed in her lingerie. It was fate. His prayers answered.

He had his chance with the real deal at the hotel earlier and blew it like a sailor too dead ass drunk and full of himself. She had stormed out of the room sobbing and left him wandering the city looking for a confessional. How poetic that it was in this kneeling whore’s window that he chose and not nearby Noorderkerk cathedral. Desire had an interesting way of seeping into his cracks and pushing him off course.

The Above And The Below

*“Giver her intellectual orgasms in multiples and allow the temptation to drip from her ears. Go down on her thoughts and taste her perception. Learn her soul and she will fill the void of your filthiest imaginations…”*

More he pleaded to her in the stillness of the night, his phone clutched in his hands like some magical glowing energy crystal. There has got to be more he thought as he dropped the phone into his pocket and took a deep breath.

His body ached in the quiet of the cold, foggy moonlit night. Like a warrior from old, standing in the hazy moonlight he took off his sweat-stained clothes and let them drop like armor to the ground until he stood completely naked and exposed to the dark and foggy world beyond.

Where was he? Heaven, Hell or Purgatory? He couldn’t be sure, but his body could not rest. Taut and swollen, his muscles pulsed from pushing weights and picturing her naked full body. Curves upon curves. His breathing ragged and straining for the feel of her warm pink flesh tight around his.

Categorized as Erotica