My first 3-way. Something I did not see coming [FMF].

Several months ago, my girlfriend and I planned a trip to Iceland, but we instead broke up last month. The trip was already paid for and since I did not want to travel alone, I invited my brother to come with me. When we got our COVID test a day before leaving, he tested positive (we know it was a false positive) and basically he was denied travel.

So in the end, I went to Iceland alone. I was pretty bummed, but decided I was going to make the most of it. My flight left NYC at 7 pm and arrive in Iceland before 6 AM local time. The airport was nearly empty so by the time I got my bag, went through immigration and customs and got my rental car it was about 7:45. I learned that this time of year, the sun does not rise in Iceland till about 10 AM and nothing opens until around 10-11 AM.

[MF] It’s all about the blow job!!!

I will apologize now if some stereotypes are mentioned in this story. It is not about offending, but to be more accurate as I remembered how things played out 15 or so years ago.

Marguerite was of Chinese descent. She was an over achiever in every sense of the word. Though she grew up in the States, her family kept a strict Chinese household where excellence is expected in everything they did thus explaining Marguerite’s personality. But don’t get me wrong. She was not uptight or nerdy. Actually quite the opposite. She was friendly, charming, witty and very approachable.

She was a very good friend and I was part of her inner circle which means… I was one of the guys that she practiced her blow job techniques on. But I am getting ahead of myself.

When Marguerite was in high school, a boyfriend told her that she was terrible at giving head. Instead of taking offense, she actually made it a goal to learn about giving the best head possible. I am not talking about practicing on a carrot like “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” or “Old School”. She actually read books and watched videos on how to improve her technique to achieve the best possible result. Her approach was very scientific, even going so far as to writing papers about it. She is the only woman I know that actually paid money to learn how to give a better blow job.

[MF] I hate fucked my ex-wife last weekend and man that felt good. Part 2

Part 1: [](

First off, I did not mean this to be a 2 part submission. I thought I was saving the draft yesterday and accidentally clicked “post”. If it seemed that the story was unfinished, that is why.

The last time I remembered looking at the clock is was almost midnight and I remember feeling Marice kissing my dick as I drifted off. I woke up at around 2:30, looked for Marice and she was gone. I figured she went home.

I got up, went to my bedroom and found Marice sound asleep in my bed. The thought of waking her up and sending her home did occur to me, but I was too tired to deal with it so I let it be. At least she didn’t lay on my side of the bed. I went back to sleep.

Throughout the night I felt Marice touch me. I felt her rub my back, my leg, my ass, my dick and there were a few times I felt her kiss the back of my neck. It didn’t occur to me until that moment that I missed having a woman’s affection.

[MF] I hate fucked my ex-wife last weekend and man that felt good.

My ex-wife, Marice was my college sweetheart. We were together for 14 years and married for more than 12. A few months before our 13th wedding anniversary, she reconnected with a guy she had a crush on back in high school and they ended up having an affair. She left me and he left his wife and they got together. That was two years ago. I was blindsided by the whole thing and for about a year I was a mess, concentrating on my work and never really finding the time to socialize except with my family and a few close friends.

Marice and I went back to speaking terms because as my mom told me, “when you are angry at somebody, it eats you up whether you realize it or not”. I felt that as soon as I told myself that I wasn’t angry at my ex anymore, I felt like a thorn was pulled out of my chest and I was a much happier person.