[MF][Maledom] – A Good Girl Like You

I’ve always wanted a good girl like you, one who everyone would say was “raised right.” You have good manners, you’re polite and respectful to everyone even to a fault. You do good in school, help others in need, and even go to church. You can’t help it, you aim to please. You are a trusted and reliable member of your community and everyone you know would be shocked to see where you were right now, on your knees in front of me.

That’s because good girls have needs too. First there was the need to seek out release privately because no one you know could ever begin to understand this hidden side of you. Then there was first the need to message me even though I’m over twice your age. From there the need to turn into allowing me to unlock you and look inside the special world you’ve kept hidden from the rest of the world.

The Search For A Suggestible Girl

I once saw a documentary I think it was about mirror neurons or something to do with how the brain works. And there was a woman featured in the documentary who was married with children but who also did not leave her home because if she did her family feared that she might not come back because she was so highly suggestible. Her family literally feared that someone would suggest that they come with her and coax her with nothing more than words.

Now I know that it’s a serious condition for anyone who wants control over their own life but ever since I’ve found myself thinking about what a gift it would be to have a girl like this for myself. I wouldn’t mind if she were married or in a relationship. The important thing is that she would know that she needed to message me about all of her decisions that she was faced with so that I could help her decide.

[MF][DomSub] My Little Concubine

This is all I ever really wanted – a concubine. Look it up, there’s a whole wikipedia page dedicated to the topic, it’s actually impressive. It’s got sections separated by continent that span all of human history. You cannot tell me for a second that there aren’t women who have been specifically bred for this one purpose all across the globe.Sultans, kings, despots, conquerors, pimps, and global elites keep entire harems of them. But I just want one. All for me.

What makes a concubine special is that she knows that she’s not going to be my wife. I already have one of those. That’s average and let’s face it – can be pretty boring. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I am in a loveless marriage. But the history of concubinage does not have the breadth and depth it does because of unhappy marriages. Marriages serve a social purpose, a projection for others that they expect to see.