Hi Alex,
I hope you might read this one day, and I hope you’re alright. I wanted to write this to your personally, but you deleted your Account, and I hope it’s not my fault. But, to answer your question:
I think I know a thing or two about guys and happiness. It is not very complicated. And I learned pretty early on, I have already told you about high school, but it was the first year at Uni that I really learned.
Finally away from home and fussy catholic parents and small town stuff where you couldn’t sneeze without someone noticing. I was on my own. Free. I could indulge myself, the self with no space at home.
If you suck a guy’s dick, he will be happy. Maybe not forever, but for long enough. If you do it again, or especially regularly, it could well be a long time, although things can get complicated quickly and I usually didn’t want to deal with complications back then.