[MF] From the subway to being sucked off in 12 hours. Meeting a polish girl on the train.

I had to leave this girls place at 5am as she had to work early. Now I’m back at my condo unable to sleep. What better to do early on a Saturday morning than recount a quick story for GWS.

On Friday morning I had to run some errands. I live in the city so it’s easier to take the subway. It was quiet. Only a few people in my car away down the other end. When I say it was quiet, I’ve avoided the subway for months with all this covid shit. I actually left the city for my hometown for 3 months. Maybe quiet is the new normal? This girl got on, and despite having her pick of seats sat opposite me. She looked young behind her mask, college age at most. Being closer to the big three-oh than college age I didn’t check her out much further to avoid creeping on a potential 20 year old. The being said, she looked college age, but her style didn’t match with a girl that age from this city. She was kinda basic. Not basic in the basic white girl way, but basic plain Jane. No designer clothes, minimal makeup, wavy dirty blond hair, and piercing blue eyes that could cut a diamond. And those cutting eyes kept meeting mine during glances.

[MF] [MF] Fucking two sisters in the same night after meeting them on Call of Duty

Well hasn’t the last four months been a gone wild story of the non sexual variety? Lockdown went and fucked everyones plans on an epic scale. Bored af, my Xbox received a recall to duty and my buddies and I have been doing marathon sessions on Call of Duty. It was like being a teenager again. In line with my return to teenage tendencies I had also been whacking them out like a teenage boy on account of my FWB (who I wrote about a couple of times [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bsi4v3/mf_daytime_hookup_with_a_single_mom_latina/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dtotqi/mfm_spit_roasting_my_fwb/)) being tied up with other commitments.

Throughout lockdown my buddy Jimmy and I would grab the good kind of Corona at our respective stores and arrange an online gaming session late at night as our way of socializing, while also being responsible adults (how times have changed.) Even as lockdown measures started to lift in our city, we continued our nightly gaming. Last Wednesday was no different from usual. After a few beers the juvenile behavior kicks in on game chat and we joke around. Occasionally we find people on the same wavelength and we get a good laugh. On this night some smartass girl was giving it big time to Jimmy. He was getting all offended, and rather than take his side I was in fits of laughter.

[MF] My neighbor the escort

I would say the residents in my building primarily fall into the following categories.

1. Young professionals that work in the city.
2. Transient people who spend summer here and winter in Florida.
3. Foreigners who are rarely ever here and use their apartment as a vacation home.
4. Renters who want to live in the city but don’t have a deposit to buy a place here.

The apartment next door to me is owned by a guy who rents the place out and whoever he rents to never seems to stay long. I stepped into the elevator and a tall, slim blonde, with bright blue eyes ran in behind me.

“Floor thirty” she said in an Eastern European accent.

“Oh thirty? Me too. You must be my new neighbor?”

[MFM] Spit roasting my FWB

Earlier in the year I wrote about [hooking up with this little Latina firecracker](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bsi4v3/mf_daytime_hookup_with_a_single_mom_latina/) called Jenny who lived close by to me. Since then we have become friends with benefits and hook up on the regular. It’s a relationship of mutual convenience. We both know what to expect and what not to expect. Jenny has told me she is not fucking anybody else. If it is true or not, its none of my business but she has never let me down. Last Friday my phone pinged in the middle of the afternoon.

Jenny – “Hey, I’ve got the night off. I’m free and I need some attention :-). How bout I come over with some take out.”

Shit. I was conflicted. I don’t like to bail out on my commitments. I had already promised to go to my friend Jimmy’s moving in party but now I felt like I owed it to my friend (with all those additional benefits) who was never unavailable for me when I came calling.

Fuck it. I pinged her a message back. “Got a party tonight. Come along if you like?”

“Oh it’s like that is it. You wanna be seen in public with me. Ha!”

[MF] Morning Sex and Rough Fucking with the Ex After A Night Out

I went back to my hometown the other week to visit the family and ended up out at one of the local bars with my step sister. It just so happens that my step sister is good friends with my ex Katie. I was with Katie in my early 20’s. It was a bit of a messy break up but due to our situation we moved on, grew up and kept things civil. Katie, I don’t mind saying is a good looking brunette with eastern European family heritage. When I was with her she was skinny but as she progressed into her late 20’s she gained some weight that gives her some shape. Not overweight by any means. She is looking healthier for it. She has a man and a kid now and is playing house but she always had a bit of a wild side.

[MF] Daytime Hookup With A Single Mom Latina

I woke up early about 6am, horny af. I was getting ready to whack one out. I opened tinder to see if this nurse I had been talking dirty with was awake to help. She worked crazy hours, so it was a possibility. When I had no reply I started swiping. I live right in the city, so if I set the search radius close most of the people are not local. They are tourists or transient. Not always easy for a quick fuck as everybody is on the move. I made my search a little wider. After a couple of minutes, I got a match from a girl I just swiped on, so she was online. A hot little 27 y.o mixed race looking chick called Jenny. Really light brown skin with Hispanic features. Something about this girl got me. She was hot and looked like a dirty little slut. She was from a neighborhood just outside the city.

I was really forward about what I wanted to do with her. When she wrote back “when?” it caught me off guard. I was just looking for some help to get me off tbh. “Right now” I wrote back.

Had a [MFM] Threesome With a Colleague While Her BF Slept Upstairs.

A couple of years ago I was involved in a small automotive business with my friend Cory. Through this we met a guy called Donny who’s girl Lacey was also working alongside him. Lacy was a cute 5’2” blonde, country girl who found her way to the city. She carried a little bit of extra weight but carried it well with a massive pair of tits. I wouldn’t say we became close friends with Donny and Lacey, but acquaintances, yes. We hung out a few times and went on a few business related trips together. One time Donny pulled a prank on Cory by driving his brand new car around the block to make it look as if it was stolen. Cory wanted to get his own back on Donny so we went to his place late at night and made it seem like someone was trying to break in to the property. We overtly tried to open a couple of doors and banged a window before hiding in a wooded area at the side of the property. We heard the main door open and fully expected him to come out locked and loaded. This dude sent his girl out to investigate!!

[MF] Cancun Hookers

I’m in my late 20’s and I recently came into enough cash that will see me through comfortably, unless I get really stupid. Of course, being stupid may be part of the reason that brought me to write a Gone Wild story. I come from humble beginnings and my boys and I always talked about how if one of us came good we’d all look out for one another. That responsibility has fell on me. I didn’t tell my boys too much, all I asked was who was down for Cancun. When I figured out who wanted to go we set up a separate group on messenger and I told my boys all they have to do is worry about their spending money and I’ll take care of the rest. Messenger before the trip was full of usual guy chat and bravado. Everyone talking about how many sluts they are gonna fuck. We rocked up in Cancun on first class flights and had a good hotel right in the main party area. I got everyone their own room so they could all bring girls back without worrying about if the room would be free or not. As you can imagine everyone was ecstatic and drunk af before we even made it into Mexican airspace.