[MF] Never Dance With The Devil (Part 2)

Tommy handed her the water. She looks up at him as if she knew what he did. Tommy goes and walks back to his bed and sits down. He’s facing her back. He knew exactly what he did and now he was having to live with it. She was shaking, Tommy didn’t know if it was from the cocaine or the memories of being gangraped and being kidnapped by a guy that she didn’t know. To break the tension he says “Whats your name?” There was a few seconds before she awnsers, she says softly as her throat still burnt “Grace” she said as she looked back at him, her eyes wanting him dead and tourtured. “Nice to meet you..” he says like something actually normal happend. She looks back again “wish I could say the same” “fair” he says. He looked at the time and decided to get some sleep. He stood up, she look uver at him again. He goes and quickly walks over to her. She squirms and moves for her life because she thought It was gonna happen again. They both don’t say anything, he puller her legs towards him violently. He quickly undoes the knot that he did for her belt loop. Then he ties it around her wrist, then ties the other end to the end table. She immediately stops once she realizes that he’s just tying her up. “Goodnight” he says. As he tries and goes to bed, he bearly slept.

[MF] Never dance with the devil.. (part I)

NOTES: includes gang violence, drugs, alcohol, possible blood, and NonCon. But this is a very realistic RP, so no tentical, weird anime shit, nothing. NOT for the faint of heart, it is based off events that are probably happening right now (at least the first half).

His name was Baby Esterly. Yes, you heard that correctly, B-A-B-Y. His friends and others made up some random name because he was always being made fun or for it, it was Tommy. But his mother always stuck to his government name, Baby. His father left when he was little, it was common when your born on the south side of Chicago. He was raised by his mother, he had nothing but respect for her. She had a bit of a drug froblem though. She was always doing lines, or had a pipe in her hand but a hard working individual, putting food on the table. Eventually she wiped the table and put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober her sons heart got darker. She lost all her jobs by the time her son was 15. (PS. This is not leading to incest) he had a 4.6 GPA, he wanted to go to the United States Military Academy and to become a Army Officer under Special operations. His mother always said that he’s gonna go to Harvard, or Yale and take the hardest classes and be something great, but now he was the man of the house, he had to put food on the table.