Part 3: A therapist discovering his patient’s hidden sexuality and exploiting it during hypnosis [F35/M42][Dubcon]

[Part 2](

You open your eyes, and there he is again, a pleasant smile on his face as always. He looks cleanly dressed and very put-together. Maybe nothing happened? You smile back and sit up asking how it went. Again he tells you it went very well and asks how you feel.

You pause for a quick self-assessment. You try to think back and remember but am unable to conjure up any memories of the past hour. Good. That means it wasn’t you that did anything, and you can still be a faithful wife despite your deep desire to explore your sexual fantasies with others.

You feel great, though. All anxiety, all stress is gone. In fact, you almost feel a very mellow high that’s spread across your body, some places more than others.

“I feel really good actually. Thank you!”

Part 2: A therapist discovering his patient’s hidden sexuality and exploiting it during hypnosis [F35/M42][Dubcon]

[Part 1](

*Hello there, come in.*

“Thank you.”

*Have a seat. It’s great to see you again! How have you been?*

You tell Doctor Zellner about your week, a few boring details mostly. Nothing important. Your nerves are firing, and you’re completely on edge. After your last session, you’ve been thinking about this non-stop and couldn’t be more excited but so so nervous. What’s going to happen this time? Will he find your video on your phone that you made for him? Then what?

*Well, after last week I believe I got a good grasp on your past and some of your needs. It’s clear your family is very important to you, and you feel a strong sense of responsibility to provide for them, which is wonderful. But you are also quick to feel guilt when you perceive that you’re letting down your husband and children.*

*I’d like to explore that some more today and possibly equip you with some tools to ease the stress and anxiety you’re experiencing. During this session, I will take steps to help you relax which will last for some time. However, I also want to start to mold your subconscious and give you ways to trigger similar reactions without having to come in for a full session.*

A therapist discovering his patient’s hidden sexuality and exploiting it during hypnosis [F35/M42]

Between the stresses of work, the non-stop job of being a mother and a wife, and having to always fill some role for other people, you have decided to finally use your benefits to see a therapist. You’re not depressed per se, but you do feel worn down and anxious. And let’s be honest, everyone could benefit from some therapy, so you schedule an appointment and take off a little early from work.

When you meet Dr. Zellner for your first session, you find him to be a pleasant and somewhat handsome man in his lower forties. You sit on a chase lounge that feels a bit too on the nose for a psychologist, but soon he describes how his background and expertise is in hypnosis. You almost laugh thinking it’s a joke.

**I know, I get that a lot. Most people have only seen hypnosis at talent show or in movies, but I assure you, it can be quite effective. I find I can cut straight to the core of what’s affecting someone without wading through the patient’s own defenses which often get in the way. If you’re open to it, I’d like to try today.**