Egyptian foreign exchange student: Part 5 [M22/F18] [Interracial, dubcon, corruption]

[Part 4](

It was a week before I saw Inaya in any situation outside dinners or other family time. When we were together, it was definitely weird. She would either avoid looking at me completely or give me an indiscernible stare, which is why I was baffled when she came out again at night when my parents were asleep. I had Game of Thrones on, rewatching it for the first time in a long time, but I was really just chilling on my phone. She came in and sat down on the other side of the couch. I glanced at her, but she was just watching the tv and ignoring me.

The mood was tense.

We were in the middle of season 3, so I asked, “Have you seen this before?” She looked at me like I was the dumbest motherfucker on the planet; then she hopped up on her knees and swung a pillow at my head – hard. “Just because I’m not white or from the US doesn’t mean I live under a rock! Asshole…” Luckily I blocked the blow, but holy shit is someone in a mood.

Nude hot spring with my mom – Part 1 (Incest/public)

I had an experience with my mother that was interesting and has brought up unexpected feelings for me. I wanted to share in case anyone else has had this experience or has advice for me.

Some background: I’m a 23 yr old male, and my mom is only 40. She obviously had me very young, and I’ve never known my dad. I guess he didn’t want anything to do with a child at that age, and they just went their own ways. My mom actually admitted to me once that she probably would have gotten an abortion, but her ironically much older conservative parents wouldn’t have it. She was too young to go about it without their permission at the time. Both my grandparents died a while back, so my only family is my mom and her younger sister (my aunt) who moved far away and we rarely see.

My mom’s done really well for herself given the events of her life. Her parents were well enough off and supported her as a young single mother. I could go on and on, but to get to the point, she’s really great, and I’m really proud of her. She’s dated off and on and was even in a serious relationship for a few years when I was in college, but nothing stuck.

Egyptian foreign exchange student: Part 4 [M22/F18] [Interracial, dubcon, corruption]

[Part 3](

The very next night, parents were asleep, and I was sitting in the middle of the couch playing video games when Inaya came in. She sat on her normal side and waited for me to finish. When the round was over, I hopped off, turned to her, and said hi. She looked to be in a good mood, and I asked what she wanted to do. She just shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Maybe we can watch another movie or just hang out.”

I noted the moment because it was the first time she hadn’t just joined in with what I was already doing but actually came specifically to hang out. We were a little closer than usual since I was seated in the middle, and Inaya used her toes to inch her bare feet closer to me. I glanced at them and looked back up to her asking her if she wanted another foot massage. She said, “No, but we did run a lot for P.E. today and my feet are pretty sore. I might just lie on the floor and let them rest here…” She was being coy and clearly didn’t feel like she could say what she wanted but laid on the floor with her feet propped on the couch.

Categorized as Erotica

Egyptian foreign exchange student: Part 3 [M22/F18] (Interracial, dubcon, corruption)

[Part 2](

There were several more instances of using Inaya’s panties to masturbate over the next couple weeks, one time going so far as to actually cum into them. If she had any suspicion that she had noticed what I was doing, she never made any indication. In fact, we were hanging out even more at night after my parents went to bed, growing closer and getting more comfortable with each other. My parents even commented on how she’s opening up more and thanked me for “making the effort to make her feel at home.”

Inaya and I were watching Pulp Fiction one night, and after the scene where they talk about foot rubs, I asked her if she had ever gotten a foot rub. She told me, “definitely not,” so I asked if she wanted one. She was lying in her normal late-night, movie-watching position on her side with her head away from me under a blanket. I grabbed her foot through the covers then, and she slapped my hand. I pulled back but grabbed her foot again, harder, telling her to chill out and just wait a sec. If she didn’t like it after a minute, I’ll stop. I said this while massaging the sole of her foot with my thumb. After a dozen seconds on silence, her only response was to tell me that it wasn’t right for a man to touch her like this. She pouted but did nothing else to stop me.

Categorized as Erotica

Egyptian foreign exchange student: Part 2 [M22/F18] [Interracial, dubcon, corruption]

[Part 1](

That experience jerking off with Inaya in the room flipped a switch in my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and wanted more of that feeling. It was hard to figure out what about that experience was so exciting. I’ve masturbated a million times, so what was it? Was it that there was someone else there? That she didn’t know what I was doing or that she did? That it would probably feel violating for her if she found out? That I knew it was wrong?

Or was it about her? That she was a foreigner? A teenager? A virgin? A Muslim? That she had brown skin? It could have been all of it. All I knew was that I got a shot of adrenaline and my heart would thump heavy in my chest just thinking about it. Having pushed one limit, kind of on accident, I wanted to keep pushing even more.

Categorized as Erotica

Egyptian foreign exchange student: Part 1 [M22/F18] (Interracial, dubcon, corruption)

The apartments I had been staying in since I was a sophomore were brand new at the time. Built quickly and cheaply, they are shit quality, and it came out that there’s an issue, something with the air conditioners and mold, so I had to move back home.

My parents had a case of empty nest syndrome even before I left for college. They have always been very social and charitable having always been involved in my high school and other community groups, so to lessen the blow of their youngest leaving for college and leaving them alone at home, they signed up for the foreign exchange student program and were assigned a girl from Egypt.

The exchange student’s name was Inaya. At first, I thought she was quite plain looking always wearing pants, long sleeves, and a hijab. Any attraction I had for her came much later. Despite being Egyptian, Muslim, and fairly quiet, she spoke English well and could hold a conversation once you got her started. I felt bad for her for having to spend her 18th birthday with my awkward parents and me when she first moved here.

Part 3: A therapist discovering his patient’s hidden sexuality and exploits it during hypnosis [F35/M42][Dubcon]


*So how has your week gone? How are you feeling?*

“I feel great, actually. Yeah, I was feeling really relaxed after our last session. I’ve really been able to carry that through to today, and I’ve also been trying to take your advice and find unnecessary things that I do out of habit or an expectation that I’ve put on myself.”

*Well that’s wonderful to hear! I’m glad these sessions are helping; I know that for my part, I have really enjoyed working with you.*

There’s that smile again…

*I’m so curious, what are some things you’ve identified? Has anyone commented on the changes to your behavior?*

“Um haha uh yeah well I’m a little embarrassed to tell you, but the first one I noticed was right after our last session. My bra was bugging me as it always does. I remembered what you said about my homework assignment and realized I always let out a sigh of relief at the end of the day when I take it off, so I just took it off right then and there in my car before going to the store.”

Part 2: A therapist discovering his patient’s hidden sexuality and exploiting it during hypnosis [F35/M42][Dubcon]


*Hello there, come in.*

“Thank you.”

*Have a seat. It’s great to see you again! How have you been?*

You tell Doctor Zellner about your week, a few boring details mostly. Nothing important. Your nerves are firing, and you’re completely on edge. After your last session, you’ve been thinking about this non-stop and couldn’t be more excited but so so nervous. What’s going to happen this time? Will he find your video on your phone that you made for him? Then what?

*Well, after last week I believe I got a good grasp on your past and some of your needs. It’s clear your family is very important to you, and you feel a strong sense of responsibility to provide for them, which is wonderful. But you are also quick to feel guilt when you perceive that you’re letting down your husband and children.*

*I’d like to explore that some more today and possibly equip you with some tools to ease the stress and anxiety you’re experiencing. During this session, I will take steps to help you relax, which will last for some time. However, I also want to start to mold your subconscious and give you ways to trigger similar reactions without having to come in for a full session.*

Nude hot spring with my mom – Part 1b (Incest/public)

[Part 1a](

I’m ashamed that I was embarrassed. It’s just a body, and everyone here is probably ok with it (they kind of have to be). Still, with the exception of my mom’s butt, I haven’t actually seen any nudity here yet since everyone’s in the water. So I still felt really strange about it. I tried to not be too obvious, but I watched her ass move the whole time as I followed her in. As soon as I got deep enough, I dropped down to hide most of my body, which is good because she turned and look at me with a smile. We were both mostly in the water so I could seen anything and I don’t think she could see *me* under there either.

We found a spot and kicked back to relax in the nice hot water. I actually found it very relaxing, but my mind was still kinda freaking out. We talked about how nice it was and the skiing. We were silent for awhile as well. During that time, I did see some other people get in or out and see their naked bodies. It was pretty overwhelming at first to see people just naked there: boobs, butts, dicks, and even vaginas (as much as you can see in a standing position). It seemed like a lot of women chose to wear bottoms even if their breasts were out. I was surprised that I actually got used to it fairly quickly and started to relax more.

Nude hot spring with my mom – Part 1a (Incest/public)

I had an experience with my mother that was interesting and has brought up unexpected feelings for me. I wanted to share in case anyone else has had this experience or has advice for me.

**Some background:** I’m a 23 yr old male, and my mom is only 40. She obviously had me very young, and I’ve never known my dad. I guess he didn’t want anything to do with a child at that age, and they just went their own ways. My mom actually admitted to me once that she probably would have gotten an abortion, but her ironically much older conservative parents wouldn’t have it. She was too young to go about it without their permission at the time. Both my grandparents died a while back, so my only family is my mom and her younger sister (my aunt) who moved far away and we rarely see.

My mom’s done really well for herself given the events of her life. Her parents were well enough off and supported her as a young single mother. I could go on and on, but to get to the point, she’s really great, and I’m really proud of her. She’s dated off and on and was even in a serious relationship for a few years when I was in college, but nothing stuck.