[F] (Accidentally) came in front of my nurse in the hospital

I know this isn’t as slutty as what’s usually told on here but I wanted to share my story anyway. There is still a whole swarm of butterflies taking residence in my stomach and nether regions when I think about it.

To set the scene:
I’ve been wheelchair bound since my early teens, having lost the feelings in both of my legs in a car accident. I’ve accepted and learned to live with it, nowadays it doesn’t really bother me.

I’ve been in the hospital for a few days, after I spilled some coffee all over my legs and realized too late how hot it must have been. I managed to burn them enough that the doctor decided to keep me a few days for observation.

So here I lie, quite bored, having caught up on everything interesting on Netflix, Amazon, etc. So while some documentary runs in the background, I fire up a new tab and turn to my secret shame, dirtypenpals. I’ve always been quite sexually active, though more with myself than with other people due to the wheelchair. Getting more and more turned on with each message I finally get one that just pushes all my buttons. I read it over and over again until I mentally tell myself “well, fuck it” and move my hand along my stomach down to my clit and start playing around with it.