When I [M] was single, I had some friends over for my birthday and met a complete slut [F] and my buddy [M] and I had a good time

So I’ve read a bunch of these stories and figured I’d contribute one of my own. Obviously names and identifying details have been changed.

When I was 26, so about 8 years ago, I was single for about a year and had been going through a bit of a dry spell and hadn’t had sex in a couple months. I guess I’ll describe myself, I’m about 5,7”, white, average body type with a few extra pounds in the midsection, maybe 175 lbs or so, and I have an average dick like 6” and not too girthy I guess.

So for my birthday we had some friends over to the house I shared with 3 buddies and had a party, typical drinking and smoking and just having a good time, playing all the drinking games etc… I had a buddy from out of town come in for the night who I hadn’t seen in about a year since we didn’t live near each other. He looks about the same as me, a little less stomach fat and probably about the same size cock ( we lived in a dorm together at prep school and played hockey so we’d seen each other countless times naked).