On All Fours [F]or a Pair (and a few other tidbits)

It had only been a few weeks since my first BDSM experience, but it was already time for me to move for professional obligations. I had a very emotional time with my first Sir and set my sights on my next city. This included a gift: a leather collar. What was the significance of this? Well, we both knew that I couldn’t be owned in the traditional sense, but He wanted to give me something to let me know that He would always be there for me.

I loaded up my car and hit the road. Unfortunately, about 100 miles into the middle of nowhere, my car engine started overheating. I pulled into a gas station and checked with a nearby mechanic. They could get me back in motion, but it would take a few hours. I spent the rest of that time scrolling meaninglessly through my apps until I found someone I was enjoying flirting with. He had a gruff, country look to him. Keep in mind; this was the middle of nowhere. He was still at work so we discussed plans for playing. Unfortunately, by the time he was ready to go, my car was back up and running. So instead, I settled for having him meet me at the nearby gas station. I went to the bathroom and took off my panties. I went to his car and threw them in at him. At that was that.

[F]or the second time.

This is a continuation from my previous post. If people keep reading, I’ll keep posting until I catch up to current day.

I had been seeing Sir sporadically for a few weeks and learning my new rules and etiquette.

I was at his apartment. Wearing the new, skimpy thong I had picked up at the store. Since I was on the road and travelling frequently, I had not brought as many pairs of sexy clothes as I would have preferred, so instead, I was just going minimalist.

“Would you like a refill, Sir?” I topped off his drink: whiskey on the rocks.

I had adjusted to calling him “Sir” much more quickly than I anticipated. We had discussed it. I was under no obligation to use titles while in public. And to my credit, I only humiliated myself once by letting it slip while at the Indian restaurant.

My [F]irst Time in Ropes


So lately I’ve been playing around with writing down some of my stories. I was recently gifted a copy of “50 Shades of Grey,” by a well-meaning friend. Pleasant intentions, but I doubt she has any idea that I’ve out-performed the acts in that book and done them in a more safe, sane, and fun way. Maybe other young women could use a better example as well.

To set the stage, several years back I was finishing up my doctoral work which involved a good deal of travel around the country. Prior to finishing up at one of my test sites and before heading to the next one, I figured: I’m moving to a new city, this is the one time in my life where I might get the chance to try out a completely new identity. I was passingly familiar with BDSM through online stories and I had a bit more of a fascination. I had read just enough to know that it intrigued me; but not enough to know what I was doing. But, I had decided, this was my chance, this was my shot to give it a try.