Uni [F] soccer star stolen by real [M]an

Got so many stories I’d love to share and discuss and no idea why I decided to start here but here goes….
I’ve been described as many things over the years but there’s always been an obvious divide between one perception and the other. To many I’m a causal and shy but friendly lad but others see me as a confident womanising player.
I’ve always loved women but I never thought I was particularly skilled in getting them. On the 7/10 side for looks and a personality that would stop me from talking to strangers unless introduced first I hardly stood out!

That all said I have done very well for my self. This one story starts…

Pop princess [MF]

I’ve been encouraged by my last post and hopefully can improve more!

One time I always look back on and find totally hot but would like to change is my next story.

My younger cousin was hanging around with a bunch of girls and I got to know them all. One of them was really into me but her friend was always warning her off me saying I was too old for her. Her friend was a year older and although being hot I hated how she’d totally cock blocked me!

One night I picked the two girls, my cousin and his friend up from the pub they’d been drinking in and we went back to mine. I was sure the friend was flirting with me but thought I was imagining it but after a while the girls wanted to go home and I offered to take them whilst telling my cousin and his friend it was best for them to stay just in case!

After dropping her friend off I was convinced I’d got it right that she wanted me. I leaned over and kissed her and then suggested we went for a drive.

[MF] helping out a friend

Been wanting to share some of my stories for a while but a combination of not knowing where to start and lack of writing experience have deterred me until now!

No idea why I thought this was the one to start with but here goes….WARNING I didn’t realise I was about to write a whole novel so skip to the *paragraph for the action

I bought my first apartment at 27 and I was looking forward to moving out of my parents for the first time and maybe going more wild then I already had! I’ve always felt I lacked confidence with approaching girls but even a casual quick introduction by someone helped me massively and I had by this point already chalked up what I thought was an impressive 100+ notches.

Although I could afford to live alone I knew the best way to keep up my crazy partying ways was to get a flatmate. Luckily I easily found someone I kind of knew wanting to move in. We had a crazy couple of first months drinking to excess and competing on the lady front against one another.