[MF] My first day of University ends with getting to know my friend’s stripper housemate.

A title so sensationalistic, there’s no way it could be true, right? Well, there’s only one way to find out.

This story happened quite a few years ago now, but with plenty of free time on my hands, and the memory distant enough to feel nostalgic for, I figured it was a good time to share. I wasn’t long out of high school, freshly 18, and after graduating, I handled the absence of routine and structure, the lack of everything I’d know since I was a child quite poorly; combine this with losing a vast majority of my friends for one reason or another, and I wasn’t in the best state of wellbeing. I’d pulled myself together however in preparation for starting University at the beginning of the year, with a ferocity and vigour that only youth can produce, and a reinvigorated sense of purpose and direction. High on confidence and self-belief, I set out on the first day of my tertiary education experience.

A Helping Hand From an Old Friend – Part 3 [MF] [Cheating]

**[Part 1] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6yv2e2/a_helping_hand_from_an_old_friend_mf_cheating/)**

**[Part 2](https://redd.it/70kvax)**


Hardly believing my luck, I practically jumped out of my car, still struggling to wipe the expression that was somewhere between shock and smugness from my face. Lauren and I closed the car doors, and I somehow remembered that locking it would be advisable, before we made our way up to the house. I followed closely behind, not saying a word, but staring hungrily at her ass in those tight white jeans as she unlocked the door. It was the most perfect size and shape; accented by her slim waist and petite frame. She once told me she wished she had bigger breasts, but her ass… she loved her ass, and so did the guys she got with. I could see why.

We went inside, everything was turned off and it was almost pitch black; Lauren stumbled around in the dark searching for a light. She shared the place with another girl from her work, but luckily for us, she was nowhere to be seen. The fewer people who knew about our arrangement the better, even if Kate and this other girl would never even meet. The lights flickered to life as Lauren found the switch and the house lit up; we were stood in the foyer, which gave way to an open plan living and kitchen area. I hardly knew what to do with myself, standing there like an awkward teenager, hands by my side. and nothing smart to say.

A Helping Hand From an Old Friend – Part 2 [MF] [Cheating]

Hey guys, if you haven’t read [Part 1](https://redd.it/6yv2e2) of my story, I recommend you do so now. It’ll all make a whole lot more sense, and it’s quite good if I do say so myself. For those of you who have, please enjoy the second instalment.


I awoke, dazed and confused, to the sound of chirping birds and aggressive sunlight which pushed its way through the blinds. My throat was dry, and I felt hot and uncomfortable; I was reminded why I dislike drinking to the point of excess. I had no idea of the time, but I guessed it was probably closer to lunch than breakfast. My head began to ring the moment I stood up; desperate for water and aspirin I stumbled to the kitchen, still dressed from the night before.

I expected to see Lauren still sleeping on the couch, on the kitchen making herself a coffee, but she was nowhere to be seen. Instead I was greeted to a clean living area; all the empty beer bottles and been put in the trash, the blankets folded, and the cushions put back where they belong. Had I not been there to witness it myself, you’d never have known anything took place in my apartment last night. A folded piece of paper sat alone on the bench top; I picked it up and began to read its contents, written in a familiar feminine handwriting.

A Helping Hand From an Old Friend [MF] [Cheating]

The sun had not long set on a bitterly cold Winter’s day that I’d spent the entirety of lounging around my empty apartment aching for something to do. It was the university break, and I’d grown sick and tired of watching TV shows, playing video games, and attempting to start writing the same novel over and over again. All of my friends were busy with work, relationships, or other tedious commitments, and my girlfriend was a thousand miles away, on the other side of the country holidaying with her best friend. I checked my fridge to find I was well stocked on beers, but before resorting to drinking on my own, I decided to scroll through the “Online” portion of my Facebook Messenger app and see who I could possibly invite over.

[MF] Losing My Virginity On a Post-Graduation Vacation

It was a sunny day in late November. I’d not long since graduated high school, and full of youthful energy, and a naivety and enthusiasm that only a lack of exposure to the real world can bring, I embarked on a week long holiday with four of my closest friends at the time to a sleepy little town in coastal Australia to celebrate our achievements by abusing substances, and attempting to sleep with complete strangers. I wasn’t much of a “party hard” kind of guy in high school. I’m still not, but I wasn’t then either. With a little bit of soul searching and pressure from my friends, two guys (Declan and Lewis), and two girls (Jess and Sasha), I realised this was a literal once in a lifetime opportunity, and I should seize it with both hands.

First day of University ends with getting to know (M)y (F)riends stripper housemate.

A title so sensationalistic, there’s no way it could be true, right? Well, there’s only one way to find out.

I wasn’t long out of high school, freshly 18, and coming off the back of a rough several months. After graduating, I handled the absence of routine and structure, the lack of everything I’d know since I was a child quite poorly; combine this with losing a vast majority of my friends for one reason or another, and I wasn’t in the best state of wellbeing. I’d pulled myself together however in preparation for starting University at the beginning of the year, with a ferocity and vigour that only youth can produce, and a reinvigorated sense of purpose and direction. High on confidence and self-belief, I set out on the first day of my tertiary education experience.