Wife and our friend [MF]

Mark and I have been talking for a while now to try dates with James and I alone without mark.. Friday night we trialled this – Mark had a work commitment so suggested I ask James to come pick me up from my work it was so very exciting I was a little giddy!! So James arrived 5 minutes before he was due to pick me up it was nice but not a date it was so nice to chat it made me realise just how much I missed James we haven’t really seen him for about 4 months conversation is easy with James almost as easy as with Mark and we’ve been together more than 9 years… I was with James for about an hour was nice way to break the ice 4 months of not much contact made it a nice reunion for the two of us.. When he left I messaged him saying I can’t wait for our next catchup ๐Ÿ˜Š Monday was the night!! James and I were going to see each other just the two of us the plan was for Mark to drop me off at 7:30pm but I was early ๐Ÿ˜Š I opened his security door ready to knock on his door but he opened it before I knocked…