[MF] Second Excerpt from the Journal of Adrian Fitzgerald, Adventurer, Warrior, and Prisoner of War [fantasy][oral]

I’d expected a poor level of hygiene (for the Dyriel are predominantly a primitive, nomadic people who subsist on the fruits of their savage raids), one that carried with it an odorous stench. To my surprise, the queen didn’t just smell passable; her aura was an almost palpable veil of femininity, a mix of grapefruits and mint and apples.

Even so, the archers flanking the throne had had to train their weapons on me in a silent threat before I came to my senses and dropped to my knees before her spreadeagled form. The impulses of the masculine are inherently powerful, and I couldn’t help but feel the stirrings of arousal as I let my eyes rove over her. All thoughts of the raid, of the strangeness of my predicament, of my puzzlement as to why the Dyriel would risk their revered, almost deified queen by putting her in such peril, evaporated.

[MF] First Excerpt from the Journal of Adrian Fitzgerald, Adventurer, Warrior, and Prisoner of War [fantasy]

They hauled me over the parched grass, my knees and feet dragging. I struggled weakly, but to no avail. Their open-handed blows had set off an unceasing bell in my head. A small cut on my cheek dripped and smeared. My people were dead. The raiders had torched the village, left the children to fend for themselves in the bleak landscape, killed the women, castrated the men and left them to bleed out in the grass.

All but me.

I’d managed to run one of them through, but only because as he leapt at me, snarling and screaming like a devil, he’d hesitated before skewering me on his spear. His eyes widened and the snarl faded. Puzzling, but it was all I needed, and I promptly thrust my short sword deep into his guts. Moments later a crowd of the savages had descended on me, kicking and slapping, but never punching or stabbing.

“You, strong,” one of my assailants said, his agonizing grip on my bicep loosening not at all. “The queen, she will enjoy.”

The Power of Curiosity (Part 2) [Les][oral][mast] [x-post from /r/sexystories]

Update from New York. About Ashley (previously identified as Auburn Girl). Here’s [Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4e1tfi/the_power_of_curiosity_part_1_lesmast/) from last week in case you missed it.

If you don’t want to read a bored graduate student’s pedantic account of a hot girl at the gym, you probably don’t need to read Part I. Here, I’ll summarize it for you with some added details so this post is more entertaining: I’m a 24-year-old woman studying international development (don’t ask me why) in NYC; I have black hair, which I’m told is pretty but is more of a pain in my ass than I think is really worth it; I’m a 32C; and finally, I love working out, especially now that I’ve discovered Ashley at the gym, who’s officially caused me to question my previously concrete sexual orientation by making me wet with her mere presence. Normally I’d do myself a bit more justice, but those attributes about define me these days.

The Power of Curiosity (Part 1) [x-post from /r/sexystories]

Modern society is an odd development in human history. Think about it. Infrastructure, office jobs, cars, restaurants and processed foods. All of these things separate us from the Wild, make our lives simpler. We no longer have to creep about, always on the search for sustenance and tensed for life-threatening action. We can focus on nonessential enjoyments, like novels, clubbing, leisurely bicycle rides, fitness, and television.

And sex.

With so many elements of the Wild erased by our easy, no-longer-Darwinian existence, we have ever more time to focus on the most Wild impulse of all. The simple *availability* of good, no-strings-attached fucks has heightened our hunger as a species. Sex is no longer sprouted from a simple impulse to pass our genes on. Sex is an end in itself. The more separated from the Wild we become, the more we can focus on that most Wild of urges.

This is what’s been happening to me.