[fm] my bf secretly gets off to porn while I’m right there, and I’m so humiliated and so turned on

This was about 10 years ago and my then bf and I were students in our early 20s living together in a studio apartment. He’s tall, lean, latino, with brown skin and black hair. I’m short, white, very pale, blond, about 135, with perky tits. We had a decent if very vanilla sex life. I was not very happy in our relationship at that time, I felt like we weren’t spending enough time together, like he was ignoring me, and that’s where this story comes in.

We had a table in the corner of the room where we would sit at our computers, me on one side of the table and him on the next side over. Well one day we’re sitting there both working and I happen to get up from the table and I noticed he abruptly shut the window he had open, I didn’t see what it was but he had a sort of startled, guilty look. So when I came to sit down again I kept an eye on him. After a bit I noticed he had his hand under the table, and his arm was moving just a little. He had his hand in his pants and was sneakily jerking off right there next to me. A wave of shock and arousal hit me. I was sitting there wishing he’d finish whatever he was doing so we could hang out, maybe even fuck, and he’s jerking off! I didn’t say anything, just pretended I hadn’t seen and went out for a bit to sort out my thoughts.