I Hooked Up With an Older (M)an For the (F)irst Time Ever Last Friday Night

I've been going through a break up recently. It's been tough. We were together for a long time and the lonliness was really starting to hit me. I'm not much of a pot head. I really only do it every once in a while, but tonight I needed the stress relief and to just feel good. I opened up the Whisper app and sent out what could be read as an SOS.

"I want bud so bad but I'm broke and I don't even know where to look :("

I had never actually gotten weed off of Whisper but I knew some people have and this was my best bet. I waited for the direct messages to come in. Five minutes, ten minutes, at twelve minutes I got my first message.

"Dude or a girl?" Standard question.


"Off to a good start. Man over here" He asked for a picture. I sent him my best one taken just a couple weeks before. Hopefully he thought I was attractive. "Gorgeous" He replied. This bode well for my quest to get high. And maybe I would get laid too. He sent me a picture back. He was a little older. I guessed around thirty five. And he was handsome. I felt instant attraction. I asked his age. "40" I was close.