Edit: Some of you have been asking for photos via PM, well… [https://imgur.com/a/oal5khV](https://imgur.com/a/oal5khV)
Hi! my name’s Margarita, i’m from México and i’m 41 years old (sorry for my bad english in advance), first i need to tell you where i work, i work as a doctor/medic from a political party, i started as a congress woman there and my job was to support everything that benefits the people (in the medic/popular area), this because i studied to be a doctor but with some people i knew i ended up as a congress woman, with time i started to work in a hospital too, where everyone with a job, the sons of a worker, or everyone that is studying can go there for free, this is called “social secure”, this is important since basically all my son’s classmates knows who i’m and where do i work.