Breaking up, then Reconnecting with Danny (MF)

There may be some references here to previous posts about me and Danny, they do provide a back story if you have not read them and are interested.

Danny and I had been dating for a couple of years when I broke off our relationship. It wasn't like he did anything wrong, it was simply the fact that after two years our relationship was at the same point it had been after two hours: lots and lots of sensational sex, but no real intimacy. It was almost as if we were Friends With Benefits. Don't get me wrong, we did fun things and were together more than not, but I didn't see any long term commitment, and decided I needed to shake things up.

Danny wasn't pleased when I told him of my decision, but he also didn't put up a really big fight. We parted as friends, and stayed in touch as we started dating others. A year or so later I found myself invited to Danny's wedding. He was marrying a girl I knew, Charlotte, and over time we even managed to become friends.

Danny and I meet Stasia and Roni’s Wedding (MFF)

If you haven't read about Danny, Roni and me, you might want to catch up on my earlier posts, it will put the following into context. Note that my "Satisfying Evening" took place long after these events.

So, it was the weekend of my sister, Veronica's, wedding. This was a big deal for Roni and for our parents. Her bachelorette party had been the previous Saturday, and it was well attended. Now we were all down in San Diego and it was the Friday afternoon of the rehearsal and dinner. Danny and I checked into the hotel along with other members of the wedding party and out-of-town guests. My mother was a corporate officer with the conglomerate that owned the hotel chain, and was able to reserve half of a floor, as well as have the rehearsal dinner and wedding reception hosted there.

Danny and I were assigned a gigantic suite, with a living area, two big bed rooms, one with a king size bed, the other a queen, a massive bath with a tub, and a shower you could host a party in. Plus, the view of the harbor and the ocean was spectacular! As we got settled in, Danny took my face in his hands and gave me a long, deep kiss, a sign that he was ready to fool around at that moment, but I begged off, telling him it would make us late for the rehearsal.

Giving myself to Danny (M/F)

A while back I posted a couple of times about my first date with Danny, the time my sister visited with Danny and me, and once about hooking up with Danny after he had been married for about five years (we were lovers for many years, until I also married). I was asked for the details about losing my virginity to Danny, and I pointed out that it was pretty vanilla sex. I was then told that vanilla could still be pretty hot, so why not let the reader decide? So, this is an account of the weekend where Danny and I finally got down to business. Readers of my sister's visit will know that I had changed my mind about being a virgin on my wedding day, and when my annual checkup came around a few weeks before this trip, I asked my doctor for oral contraceptives, which she was happy to prescribe. This was to be my big surprise for Danny.

My sister, Veronica, visits with me and Danny

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote here about my first date with Danny. At that time I was still a virgin and quite inexperienced. Danny and I became exclusive and saw each other regularly for several months (I spent most nights of the week at his apartment and in his bed), and while I was still a virgin in the most technical sense, Danny and I had tried pretty much everything else there was in realm of lovemaking.

This is recollection of the weekend my sister, Veronica, came for a visit. Veronica (or as she is mostly called, "Roni"), is two years younger than me, and at 5'6", two inches taller than me. Her hair is the same light brown as my own (but a few inches longer), she has blue eyes to my green, and she wears a 34C bra, a size smaller than my 34D. While I was the good daughter, Roni was far more adventuresome and risk taking. She was frequently busted by our parents for underage drinking, and she was on the Pill and sleeping with her boyfriends starting at 17. The only thing that you could reliably count on her to do was surprise you.

My first date with Danny

A couple of weeks ago I typed up an encounter with my then ex-boyfriend, Danny, and published it as "A Very Satisfying Evening". Looking back on it and comparing it with other posts here it seems hurried and bereft of detail. I want to now write up my first date with Danny. It's still fresh in my memory, even though it was many years ago.

First, let me take a moment to describe myself and Danny. My name is Marcy, I'm 5'4", about 125 lbs, light brown shoulder length hair, green eyes, and wear a 34D bra. Danny is 6'2", about 200 lbs, dark brown hair and eyes. Danny isn't especially muscular, but he does play tennis and likes to keep fit.

I first met Danny when we were both living in the same apartment complex in California. There was a Jacuzzi spa in the pool area that, besides being a nice place to relax at the end of a tough day, attracted singles of both sexes. One evening Danny and I started talking in the spa, and we just kept talking for a couple of hours. He was very charming, asked all sorts of questions about me, and had very sexy bedroom eyes. As we were parting he asked if I would like to join him for a game of tennis on Thursday. While that is a work night, I still thought it might be fun, and we made it a date.

A Very Satisfying Evening (M/F)

I had dated Danny for a couple of years before we broke up and started seeing others, although we remained good friends. About five years after he married one of my good friends, I received a phone call from him asking if I would like to have dinner at his house with him, his wife and his friend, Jack. He even offered to pick me up at my apartment on his way home from the office. I said "Sure" and expected him around 5:30. At 4:30 there was a knock at my door and I answered it even though I was only wearing a very short white silk robe. It was Danny, and he came in and gave me a quick hug, then looked at me in my robe. He cautiously reached out and loosened the belt on my robe, allowing it to fall open. Seeing the smirk on my face, he gently pushed the robe off of my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Then he took me in his arms again, and this time he kissed me, and I really kissed him back!