[F] I would use my brothers bed for one night stands

I lived with my brother and mum until I was 21. My mum always worked night shift and my brother was rarely home. When I would go out clubbing, I would bring one night stands back home and because my brothers room was easier to get to, we would always use that for sex. He has never founf out about it.

I [F] was sleeping with a married man [M] when I was 18

When I was 18, I was having regular sex with a married man in his 30’s. He would invite me round to his when his wife was at work. However, after one sex session, he told me that was the last time as he was going to be a dad and wanted to be with his wife.

So before I left that day, I hid my soaking underwear in his wife’s bedside drawer where she would easily find them.

Yeah so they’re divorced now.