Hung out with Natasha alone the first time [MF]

This is a continuation of the ongoing saga of yours truly, Zach, and Natasha.

Zach and Natasha informed me via our first group text chat that Zach had to go out of town for work, while Natasha had to stay for work, which is how I finally got Natasha’s number. I was mostly non-commital, wishing him safe travels and all that, and to let me know if he needed anything. I added in a “or you Natasha” after a moment of thought, which seems to have been well-received.

So, Thursday night, after a long and grueling day of responding to email threads that don’t matter, attending Zoom/skype meetings that I can barely keep my eyes open for, and being yelled at for things that aren’t my fault, I was surprised when Natasha texted me outside of the group and asked if I wanted to hang out, grill a steak or something.

I agreed and was over in about thirty minutes, bottle of whiskey and two rib-eyes in hand, since I was taught never to visit someone without bringing a gift. Of course, I was also taught not to eat beef, so there is that… Anyway, she greeted me with a hug and then we headed to the backyard, where she already had the grill fired up. We began to cook almost immediately.

Went to the beach with my couple friends, had fun in the car [MFM] [Pt2]

[This is a follow-up to my last story, which you can find linked here.](

Naturally, some details have been changed, but the essence of the story is accurate. I couldn’t make stuff like this up if I tried.

Zach, Natasha and I have been hanging out semi-regularly since the first time we met. Nothing else has happened since then and frankly, we don’t really talk about it. In fact, I don’t even have Natasha’s number, only Zach’s, and the closest we have gotten to discussing things is when he encouraged me to post about our first story here (I’d mentioned I was a Redditor). On other times, when I’ve tried to poke at what happened, it’s mostly been a “let’s just not make it weird, stay respectful, and not have expectations” type thing. I guess if we talk about it too much, it’d be awkward lol.

By the way, since Zach and Natasha are Redditors too–hi you two!

[M]et a couple, she sucked me off in [F]ront of hi[M].

Obviously, names have been changed along with a few details. And, yes, I did get permission (in fact, encouragement!) to share this story.

We met a few weeks ago hiking. I won’t get into details, but let’s just say we hit it off right away and I ended up third-wheeling it with them for the remainder of the hike.

Zach is white, normal height, pretty fit in a limber, runner or cyclist kind of way. Natasha is black, dark skin, short, and busty, and kind of buff for her stature. As for me, to protect anonymity, let’s just say that I’m usually pretty tanned, sometimes bordering Natasha, sometimes not. On the larger side because I like barbells, and on the taller side because genetics. 6/10 normally, maybe 7-8 if you don’t look that closely :P

After the hike, we went over to their place to just kind of lounge around and hang out. I think we had the TV on and were sipping Irish coffees (I had the idea to grab a bottle on the way back to civilization). I was on one side of the couch and Zach and Natasha were on the other, kind of cuddling in a lovey-dovey couple sort of way. I remember saying kind of offhand that they’re a really good couple and probably the nicest and best people I’ve met since moving out here.