The Pleasure Girl … [F20] [brothel] [virgin][auction][sex worker][masturbation][series][Fsub] … part 2

[ Please read part 1 before proceeding (see profile). ]

The next morning, Jenni’s preparations began, as soon as she woke up. In her bedroom’s closet, she found a selection of dresses and skirts (some sexy, some benign), silk robes and a small chest of drawers with bras and panties, some plain, some colorful and small and sexy. She ate a small breakfast alone and met some of the other girls, who were all friendly and welcoming. She bathed with servants attending her, using special soaps and bath salts, making her skin more smooth and supple. Her legs were shaved and treated with lotions. Her hair was cut (just a little bit) and styled so it curled some at her shoulders.

After the haircut, her hair was shampooed again, extensively. Her pubic hair was neatened with a tiny pair of scissors and (painless) wax. She thought the small triangle of neat hair looked cute. She had a brief checkup with a female doctor who verified that she was healthy enough for sexual activity (she was) and she also verified that Jenni was, in fact, a virgin. The doctor also supplied her with a single pill that would keep Jenni from becoming pregnant.

The Pleasure Girl … [F20] [brothel] [virgin] [sex worker][series][Fsub][fiction] … part 1

*I have been writing this story for many years for my own enjoyment but recently decided to share it. There’s not much in terms of a plot, to be perfectly honest. But if you like plotless debauchery, you’ve come to the right place.*

Everyone in the city and on the planet knew about the Manor. Everyone knew that the Manor was the house to go to for the most talented and the most beautiful girls. The Manor served only the most elite customers from its location a few miles outside the city limits. The 32 pleasure girls, all in their early 20’s, were all incredibly beautiful and all incredibly talented. Moreover, they all did their work with unmatched enthusiasm and each girl could attest to being a proud slut with cheerful zest and verve and energy.

Separate from the main house was the living quarters for the girls. Each girl shared a bedroom and a full bathroom with a roommate. Their meals were prepared by by master chefs. During the day, they exercised, read, socialized or made trips into the city to visit family and friends, and engaged in various hobbies. Each night, they were paid generously for their excellent work. The girls were all quite rich by the time they retired. The Manor’s owner , Mr. Drake, was a multi-billionaire. The girls lived luxuriously and peacefully. Each girl had full control of their respective accounts and the books were kept meticulously by the house’s team of private accountants.

The Pleasure Girl … [F20] [F42][brothel][loss of virginity][auction winner][virgin] [sex worker][series][Fsub] … part 3

[[Part 1.]](

[[Part 2.]](

“Oh! Hello! Hi. … Hi…” she said, shyly. “This is a little awkward! I was … getting ready for you…”

Absurdly, as she stumbled over her words, she simultaneously thought “doesn’t anyone knock any more?” But why should he have knocked? A pleasure girl wasn’t apt to receive that courtesy. He was as likely to knock as he was likely to ask her permission before he started to fuck her!

“I can see that,” he said, smiling. “Thank you for thinking ahead.”

“You’re welcome,” Gwen said. She shivered, visibly.

“Are you scared?”

“A little,” she said.

He arched an eyebrow at her.

“Okay, I’m really, really scared. Fucking terrified.”

“There’s no need to be scared at all, Gwen.”

Gwen giggled. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re not about to lose your virginity to a total stranger!”

The man laughed as well.

“We’re both going to have an excellent time tonight,” he said.

“I hope so,” Gwen replied.

The Pleasure Girl … [F20] [brothel] [virgin][auction][sex worker][masturbation][series][Fsub] … part 2

[Part 1.](

The next morning, Jenni’s preparations began, as soon as she woke up. In her bedroom’s closet, she found a selection of dresses and skirts (some sexy, some benign), silk robes and a small chest of drawers with bras and panties, some plain, some colorful and small and sexy. She ate a small breakfast alone and met some of the other girls, who were all friendly and welcoming. She bathed with servants attending her, using special soaps and bath salts, making her skin more smooth and supple. Her legs were shaved and treated with lotions. Her hair was cut (just a little bit) and styled so it curled some at her shoulders.

After the haircut, her hair was shampooed again, extensively. Her pubic hair was neatened with a tiny pair of scissors and (painless) wax. She thought the small triangle of neat hair looked cute. She had a brief checkup with a female doctor who verified that she was healthy enough for sexual activity (she was) and she also verified that Jenni was, in fact, a virgin. The doctor also supplied her with a single pill that would keep Jenni from becoming pregnant.

The Pleasure Girl … [F20] [brothel] [virgin] [sex worker][series][Fsub] … part 1

*I have been writing this story for many years for my own enjoyment but decided today, my 5 year cake day, to share it on this sub. If anyone likes it / if it gets a positive reaction, I will hopefully post part II, III, and so forth. There’s not much in terms of a plot, to be perfectly honest. But if you like plotless debauchery, you’ve come to the right place.*

Everyone in the city and on the planet knew about the Manor. Everyone knew that the Manor was the house to go to for the most talented and the most beautiful girls. The Manor served only the most elite customers from its location a few miles outside the city limits. The 32 pleasure girls, all in their early 20’s, were all incredibly beautiful and all incredibly talented. Moreover, they all did their work with unmatched enthusiasm and each girl could attest to being a proud slut with cheerful zest and verve and energy.