“Siri” An erotic novel


"Siri!" Siri heard her mother's scream calling her. She instinctively ran and hid behind the latrine. She'll never find me here among the flies, she thought. Just then her mother grabbed her from behind.

"Siri! What the hell are you doing back here? Your father is looking for you!"

Her mother yanked her arm so hard she thought it would dislocate her shoulder.

They went to the front of the old house. Her father was standing talking to a foreign man.

"Bring her over here!" her father shouted at them.

When they were standing in front of the two men, Siri could see that the foreign man was middle aged, wearing dark sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat.

"Take her clothes off!" her father yelled at his wife.

Her mother immediately ripped her dirty, tattered shirt and skirt off and threw them to the ground.

Siri was standing completely naked in front of the foreign man and her father, while her mother held her arms from behind. She tried to hide her tiny breasts with her hands, but her mother pulled her arms down violently.