How things sometimes turn out…[MF]

It’s weird how things turn out sometimes.

I have always wondered if my wife was kinda bisexual, she always seemed attracted to other girls, off-hand remarks, that sort of thing.

It started with a European vacation.

We were on the beach, and like you would expect, there were a number of women enjoying the sun without a top on.

I was doing my typical stealth glances, trying to not look like a creep. I’m not entirely sure when my wife saw me looking, but she did.

That night, after I got the kiddo in bed and asleep, I went upstairs to our bedroom in the apartment we were renting and slipped under the covers and found her completely naked, her nipples were hard and she was ready.

I was wearing a t-shirt and boxer briefs, she quickly slipped her hand onto my cock and she began to rub me, I let out a small moan as I felt my cock get hard under her touch.

Preparing for the trip had been stressful and it had been quite some time since we had been together, but feeling her soft touch felt so familiar and so fucking hot as I pulled my shirt up slightly and rubbed my bare chest against her soft tits.

[MF] Doing a favor for a neighbor [preggo]

To say it was a weird situation is kind of an understatement….

I had always gotten on well with my neighbor Jill. We lived in the same condo block and we shared a wall. I had never been in her unit before but I think they were set up sort of mirrored to each other, mostly because our Front doors were on opposite ends and I could hear her bedroom faintly through the wall…lets just leave it at that.

She had a gentle kindness to her whenever we saw each other. She had dark brown hair and piercing hazel eyes, maybe she smiled a lot because her complexion had an intensity to it that one could call intense.

She seemed to work a lot, I think she had one of those jobs in an office that is difficult to describe, because you spend most of your time pretending to work or whatever. I’m not really sure but she would always be wearing business casual or “Angela Merkl pants-suits” when she left in the morning.

I was a wildland firefighter so I was either gone for weeks on end or home all hours of the day.

Cold Water in the Moonlight….[mf][mild][part III]

[Part One](

[Part Two](

I slide my hands down her back and cupped her ass and pulled her hips closer to me as our tongues flicked and met between our partially open connected mouths.

We paused for a moment, and looked at each other, and said nothing. I could see her eyes and her smile in the moonlight, I could tell from the goosebumps on her shoulders that she was getting cold.

I took her by the hand and we gently walked over to our things and got out of the water. I began to shiver as did she as we quickly got dressed again. I watched as she slid her sports bra back over her head and gently maneuvered it into place, the elastic material sticking to her damp skin, then her t shirt, which also clung to her too-wet skin, outlining the curve of her hip from the side.

She twisted her hair and tried the best she could to wring the water out of it. She realized I was watching her intently and she glanced back at me and smiled again.

Cold Water in the Moonlight….[mf][mild]

The water was always cold at the swimming hole.

It was a really interesting spot. The main summer camp that I worked at college was set in this valley in the catskills, and you had to walk up the trail to where the valley narrowed higher in the cleft of the ridges to find the swimming hole. If I knew geography I would be able to explain using the proper terms. If I knew geology I could explain why the creek ran over a small waterfall before continuing on a deep split in the rocks that widened into a shallower pool.

There was a legend about the swimming hole made up probably by some hippy who worked there in 70s about it being a sacred spot of the local mohawk tribe way back in the day.

I didn’t ever really get to hear the whole story because I worked in the kitchen at the camp. It was an interesting job, a lot of the staff had regular interactions with the campers, going on hikes and doing crafts and archery and all that stuff, but we were in that sweltering kitchen for 3 meals a day, and doing prep and clean up between them as well.

Cold Water in the Moonlight….[mf][mild][continued]

[Start here first](/r/eroticliterature/comments/cq2bad/cold_water_in_the_moonlightmfmildunfinished/)

“….How wonderful I was…or just American boys in general?”

She laughed…

She moved slightly closer to me. I could feel the warmth of her hip against mine.

“We should go swimming” I suggested and got up quickly.

“But I didn’t bring my bathing suit” she sort of blurted out, you could tell she was nervous, because her accent really came through as the words stumbled from her lips.

“It’s fine, I can’t see anything anyway, it’s not a big deal”

I felt a sense of courage, I’m not really sure where it was coming from but I figured I would just go with it and I slid my shirt over my head. I could almost feel her eyes on me as I slide my shorts down off my waist and slowly waded into the water with just my boxer-briefs on. I felt the cold water against my skin as the goosebumps formed, soon the summer air felt warm as the cool water flowed around my body.

Cold Water in the Moonlight….[mf][mild][unfinished]

The water was always cold at the swimming hole.

It was a really interesting spot. The main summer camp that I worked at college was set in this valley in the catskills, and you had to walk up the trail to where the valley narrowed higher in the cleft of the ridges to find the swimming hole. If I knew geography I would be able to explain using the proper terms. If I knew geology I could explain why the creek ran over a small waterfall before continuing on a deep split in the rocks that widened into a shallower pool.

There was a legend about the swimming hole made up probably by some hippy who worked there in 70s about it being a sacred spot of the local mohawk tribe way back in the day.

I didn’t ever really get to hear the whole story because I worked in the kitchen at the camp. It was an interesting job, a lot of the staff had regular interactions with the campers, going on hikes and doing crafts and archery and all that stuff, but we were in that sweltering kitchen for 3 meals a day, and doing prep and clean up between them as well.

Professional Indiscretion[MF]

Professional Indiscretion

It was only one time.

I guess now that I look back on it years later, I’ve stopped using that as an excuse for my behavior, but for a long time I told myself that. I guess whether it was okay or not is up to you.

I was a massage therapist at a resort in the Florida Keys. It was a place that was passed it’s prime, but for whatever reason it had enough word-of-mouth business and reputation that it stayed afloat despite the rising water line of competition from more places abroad.

Most of the time our clientele was solo executive business types traveling alone. But occasionally they would bring their families for various reasons.

So the patriarch of this particular family was the heir of some New Jersey based chemical/pharmaceutical company that if you were “in the industry” you’d know was a huge deal, but unless you were the type that went to, or at least knew about the trade shows then it would be like “Who the F?” but that’s besides the point. This company was still privately held and a majority of the stock was owned by this one guy’s family and he was actually the son of the original founder. I guess he still brought his family here because he came here as a kid (back when families still came) but at this point he just dragged his kids along, and for whatever reason they still came, I always assumed it was because a trust fund was being dangled or whatever.

Naked Strangers…[MF][mild]

I can’t say that didn’t I noticed the first time that it happened but I’m quite sure that I wasn’t aware that’s what it actually was. I’d like to think it happened because I’m good at my job, but maybe that’s putting too much on me and not enough on the circumstances.

You might not know what I am talking about, but maybe you do. Making a living as a male massage therapist is difficult, I’ve heard the Euro guys have it a little easier because everyone over there is a little more relaxed about everything, but Americans seem to be a little more uptight, they all really could use a massage….

Well anyway…

So once you finish your training and you go through your board exam and get licensed, you are super excited to get your first job, and since I was able to travel, I took a gig down at an all inclusive resort in the Keys. I wasn’t ready to “build my business” and all the stuff that seemed to go along with that. I just wanted to have a steady stream of clients leading to cash in my pocket.

As a friend…[MF][Str8][preg]

“I need your help, as a friend”

I remember her words exactly.

Karen and I had met in college, we both played on the coed intramural ultimate frisbee league. It was what the dorky college kids did before Quidditch was a thing. We got along well, she was easy to talk to, our friendship felt effortless for some reason, and it always felt spiced with a bit of sexual tension that neither of us acted on, mostly because I was still dating my high school sweetheart back home and she had Scott.

I’m not sure what would have happened if motive and opportunity met but I never really let it bother me.

Anyway, we stayed in touch as she gave Scott the boot, went to law school and got a pretty decent lawyering job in Chicago. I didn’t know what was going on her life, but she seemed quite successful. She was involved with writing insurance products for grain farmers or some such thing.

We had one of those zombie friendships on social media where we would “like” each other’s pictures and statuses but we never really spoke that much, but it felt like we were keeping up with each other without having to keep up.

Just one time…[mf][str8][long]

Professional Indiscretion

It was only one time.

I guess now that I look back on it years later, I’ve stopped using that as an excuse for my behavior, but for a long time I told myself that. I guess whether it was okay or not is up to you.

I was a massage therapist at a resort in the Florida Keys. It was a place that was passed it’s prime, but for whatever reason it had enough word-of-mouth business and reputation that it stayed afloat despite the rising water line of competition from more places abroad.

Most of the time our clientele was solo executive business types traveling alone. But occasionally they would bring their families for various reasons.

So the patriarch of this particular family was the heir of some New Jersey based chemical/pharmaceutical company that if you were “in the industry” you’d know was a huge deal, but unless you were the type that went to, or at least knew about the trade shows then it would be like “Who the F?” but that’s besides the point. This company was still privately held and a majority of the stock was owned by this one guy’s family and he was actually the son of the original founder. I guess he still brought his family here because he came here as a kid (back when families still came) but at this point he just dragged his kids along, and for whatever reason they still came, I always assumed it was because a trust fund was being dangled or whatever.