Dance in the Skating Rink

Armando walked up to the bar. He was surprised a small roller rink would have such a great selection of craft beers. He decided to go with a dark amber and a Double Tequila Añejo. After receiving his drinks, he headed to stand at the counter that stretched around the rink. He watched the crowd of people go around amd around, some doing unique moves on their skates, others simply following the crowd flow.

The music made the skaters move in unison as they danced. There was one particular person that caught his attention. It was a woman, auburn long hair, red smiling lips, a white blouse that stretched to her busty breasts. He especially liked her coral blue skirt and the way the air controlled it as she skated and danced around the rink. Her thick, muscular legs in thin knee-high stalkings moved in rythm to the music as she glided across in her cute sky-blue skates. The rink’s colorful lights painted her milky-white skin. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. Time slowed everytime she passed him as he admired her beauty.

Categorized as Erotica

Your gift

I am woken up by the early light shining through the window. You are nowhere to be found. Must have left as soon as I fell asleep. I notice you left your panties on the pillow beside me. A gray cotton pair, still moist from the fun night. I pick them up and smell them. Inhaling your delicious scent. I immediately get hard and so can’t help but stroke myself while smelling you. I’m glad I told you about my panty fetish as it lead to this lovely gift. Last night, I noticed you dabbing up your sweet nectar from your dripping pussy. Now I know you planned to leave this pair all along.

When I was a kid, I was running around outside our apartment playing hide and seek with friends. I hid near a window and waited to be found. While waiting, I noticed movement in the apartment from the corner of my eye. I turned to look and saw through cracks of the window blinds, Marcela, the girl that babysat us, wearing white cotton panties and bra. This would eventually lead to my panty fetish many years later.

Categorized as Erotica

Room 8119

Gabriela walked into the elevator nervously. Her hand shook as she pressed the button for floor 8. As the elevator began to move, she felt a little anxiety and light headedness. She did not know what to expect from this meeting and has never done anything like this before.


Earlier this afternoon, Gabriela was browsing an online store to post several items she has been trying to rid of when an ad caught her eye. “Submit to me. You are Nothing Without Your Master!”

She clicked the ad and was immediately drawn to the photos posted. Black and white photos of leather stretched against skin, wips, a hand pulling a leather strap. She continued to glance at the pictures as she kept scrolling down the page until finally reaching a small yellow alert icon followed by ” you made it this far, now click here.”

She was cautious but the curiosity got the better of her. She clicked to find it was an audio clip.