Second Day Date (mf) (oral) (voyeurism) (exhibitionism) (toys) (domination)

We were caught on the construction site just as my husband zipped up his jeans and passed me my ripped panties to wipe my face. Must have been quite a sight for the security guard, me on my knees, tits out and cum dripping into my mouth when I grinned at him. I straightened myself up and was promptly escorted out of the site with my husband. Fucking worth it. I swear my pussy throbbed every time I thought about our day date and my heart pounded with excitement for our next weekend. 

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into it.” I laughed nervously as we sat down at an outside table of a café. 

“I talked you into it?” He narrowed his eyes at me with a smirk. “You’re the one that picked it *and* downloaded the app for it.” 

“For inside the house!” I hissed with a laugh. “You got it out and told me to put it in.” 

“You could have said no.” He pointed out with a grin as a waitress arrived. 

“Can I get you anything while you look over the menu?” She asked, her eyes repeatedly lingering on my husband. 

Day Date (mf) (PIV) (voyeurism) (exhibitionism) (edging) (tease) (dom) (sub) (domination)

We’d been together for over a decade, teenage sweethearts. It’d gone from hot and heavy to once a month repeatedly then when I was pregnant it stopped completely even after our kid was born. We settled into a family routine and our sexlife was barely an after thought in our sleep deprived minds. It was when our kid was a year old that we finally admitted our relationship felt stale so we began having day dates just the two of us. And it was on those dates that we discovered a new kink, well kinks, plural. 


“Can I start you off with a couple of drinks?” The waiter that had escorted us to the table from the foyer asked once he’d seated us in a back booth. I nodded my agreement, I didn’t trust myself to answer him without asking if he was old enough to drink himself, he looked barely 18 but he was peppy and efficient so who cares. I slipped my jacket off leaving my shoulders bare apart from the thin white straps of my sundress, my husband slid into booth with me, his knee pressing against mine as he always did, he took the two menus offered to him and passed one to me. “Two buds for now.”

The Spartan Woman – Part TWO – (mf) (PIV) (oral) (voyeurism) (exhibitionism) (stranger) (edging) (tease) (coercion) (domination)

My knees softly hit the floor either side of Tommy’s hips, his unsheathed cocked pressed against my seam. I hadn’t even noticed that he’d taken it out of his jeans, so caught up in the feel of his tongue stabbing at my pussy and sucking my clit. My pussy was still pulsing from my orgasm, sensitive to the heat that radiated from him. 

“That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” He murmured against my lips when he pulled my face to his, my hands mimicked his and latched onto the back of his neck so that we could angle the others head to devour one another better. “Watching you come apart because of me, tasting you.”

His words had me moaning, I’d never been one for dirty talk but it was different with him. I met every swipe of his tongue with my own, I was aching to take him inside of me, to ride him. I lifted my bum enough to manoeuvre his cock to my entrance. 

The Spartan Woman – Part ONE – (MF) (ORAL) (voyeurism) (stranger)

I’ve worked the night shift at Spartan Petrol Station for over 2 years. It wasn’t the best job, but the pay was decent and I watched Netflix all night so it could be worse, although it could be better too. I know that not all jobs were fun, but the weekday night shift was boring as hell, I rarely had more than 1 customer. I’d started to look forward to him coming to fill his tank 4 months back, it started with shy glances and flirty smiles and it had slowly built to getting to know each other, flirting and crude innuendo’s. A 5 minute chat had turned into 30 to 40 minutes, neither of us wanting him to leave. He usually came by around midnight when he finished work, wherever that was. 

The Nerd Girl Experience – LAST PART – (MF) (PIV) (ANAL) (DOMINATION) (DOM) (SUB)

I was breathing in ragged breaths as Finn helped me to my feet, my legs were trembling with anticipation and my pussy was throbbing, his brutality had turned me on like never before. He slipped my shirt from my shoulders and wiped his cum from my face, it was unusually tender compared to seconds ago. He tossed the shirt behind him, one hand threaded back into my hair at the nape and his other grabbed my pussy, using both to pull me flush against him. 

“Whose pussy is this?” we were nose to nose, his voice a growl. “Tell me, whose pussy is it?” His grip tightened on both with each silent second that passed. “Mine.” I smirked at him, but it was wiped from my lips with a sharp slap to my pussy. “Who. Pussy. Is. This.” With he each my moans got louder. “Mine!” I growled back then screamed when he slapped my pussy harder. “Whose is it!?” 

“Fuck, it’s yours!” I conceded, he rewarded me with 2 fingers thrust inside. He pumped them fast, my soaked pussy was audible. 

The Nerd Girl Experience – Part TWO – (MF) (ORAL) (PIV) (ANAL) (DOMINATION) (DOM)

I’d always been the submissive one in relationships. I liked feeling manhandled, protected and feminine or at least my idea of it anyway. But where had that gotten me? Used, lied to and cheated on, with prostitutes this time! Fuck my life right now. You know what all of them taught me? What those relationships made me realise? I needed to be in charge, I was done being submissive. If they wanted to dominate me, the fuckers had to earn it. 

That’s why when I untied Finn I threw his clothes at him and told him to leave. He got what he wanted, now it was my turn and what I wanted was for him to beg for round 2. I almost gave up hope by day 4, he hadn’t been back around since that night. I’d started to dress a little more slutty, I still looked nerdy with my cardigans but my shirts were tighter, unbuttoned more and I’d swapped my nylon trousers for loose knee length skirts. 

The Nerd Girl Experience – (mf) (PIV) (oral) (tease) (dom) (sub) (domination)

Let me start by saying, I’ve always been the nerdy looking girl throughout my life. The low ponytail, the glasses and my nose in a book, that’s always been me and I’m good with that, you know who else is good with it? The popular guys, the ones that date the bombshells. When they’re on their own, away from their friends and stereotypical girlfriends, they’re looking my way and finding excuses to talk to me expecting me to bow to them and be grateful for their attention, what they don’t expect? The bored tone, the annoyed look and being dismissed. Most run away in embarrassment at being turned down by someone they consider lower than them, but there’s the rare few that stick around and put more effort in, when alone of course. 

That’s why Finn was in my coffee shop for the 3rd day in a row, walking along the back wall and looking at the shelves of books. He wasn’t paying attention to them though, his eyes kept flicking to me. He’d wait for the last customer in here to finish his latte and leave, that’s what he did last night too. He’d asked for a “date”, but what he meant was me locking the door, making a couple of coffees here and he’d try to charm me enough to fuck him. Same shit, different day.

Woody’s Bar – Part ONE – (mf) (PIV) (edging) (tease)

It felt like I spent my life at Woody’s bar when I wasn’t working here, I was still here helping and drinking. I’d known the owners my whole life, Glenda used to babysit me and Woody taught me how to drive when I was 14 when my legs were finally long enough to reach the pedals. And when I turned 18 they gave me a job, started out as a pot washer, then a busser and when I was old enough to pour the drinks I’d become a bartender. It wasn’t a glamorous job by any means but I loved it, the customers made me smile, the staff made me laugh and the owners made it feel like home. And now that their son was back, I had someone to moon over. 

We’d been crib buddies when Glenda babysat me and he was a sort of friend through school. He’d moved away at 16, led a wild life, too wild sometimes and then he came sauntering back through those doors 3 months ago. He was tending bar alongside me, for the most part I wasn’t complaining, the customers loved him, he was great with everyone that worked here even me most of the time. My only complaint? The bar was too damn narrow, when we passed each other we brushed up against each other and on more than one occasion he’d noticed my body’s reaction to him, he’d have to be blind not to see my nipples turn to bullet tips. 

The List – Part ONE – (mf) (PIV) (Roleplay)

I’d never really liked party’s, call me old before my time but they were always too loud, too many people and there was always a girl crying in the corner over a drama that would be forgotten the next day. You’d find me standing around the fire pit talking to an old rocker spinning stories of his youth and I’d be listening to it all with interest, that was my idea of a good night, getting to know different people that had led an interesting life. That’s where I’m standing at a friends Halloween party, dressed as a bit of a slutty pirate, a short floaty skirt, corset and fishnet tights next to a man in his 50s dressed as Buzz Lightyear complete with what I can only describe as a purple swimming cap. “And that my friend is how I got the bite mark on my arse.” He grinned at me, his arms out like ta-da which had me laughing more than his story.