I 25[M] told my girlfriend 26[F] about my past as the “other man”

So I’m not proud of this but, I used to be the sidepiece for women in relationships. It’s not something I ever imagined myself doing, I was definitely never this guy in high school but it happened. As a result, I developed a cheating kink and indulged in it for awhile. I won’t lie, it was amazing. The sex was intoxicating to millionth degree, in part because I knew, and the women knew, it was morally wrong. But eventually the moral half of the equation got to me and I became disgusted with myself. I stopped doing it and promised myself that I’d be honest with any serious girlfriend about my past and give them the option to make the choice to stay with me and take a risk, or say it’s not worth it and move on to someone else.

Cut to this year and I’ve been dating this really great girl named Jessica for about 6 months. She’s the first serious relationship I’ve had since I came out of my cheating kink phase and I’d been a nervous wreck the past week because I knew it was time to tell her the truth. I was sooo, so, so fucking scared of her reaction. She’s the first girl I’ve felt something akin to love for, and though we hadn’t said it yet, I knew it was coming and wanted her to have this information before things got any deeper.