I (22F) fucked my boyfriend’s dad (58M) over Christmas break

I met my boyfriend in college, and he was from the east coast (I’m from the west). He invited me home for our first Christmas together and I went because I’d never had a white Christmas before and it seemed really romantic.

I told him how nervous I was to meet his parents, and he reassured me that we’d barely see them. They’d asked him to have me sleep in one of the guest rooms, but he swore he could sneak in to fuck me without them knowing.

I was intimidated by their money and worried they’d think he was slumming it with me. I’ve learned that having a voluptuous figure means people assume about my sexuality a lot. One of my exes’ parents outright called me a “low-class little slut” when she thought I couldn’t hear.

But when we got there (we flew first class! and he apologized for not going private!) his parents were incredibly warm and welcoming. His mother didn’t look much older than me, and she had a similar figure so I felt more at ease. His dad looked like an older version of my boyfriend, with silver hair and a flashy smile.