[FM] Becoming his slut Part 3

I was bent over the arm of the couch in my living room at about 4am, both dick drunk and real drunk, naked, with a pussy full of cum. Christian had just left.

I got shaken out of my daze when I felt a little bit of his cum start to ooze out of my pussy onto my thigh. I placed my hand over my pussy to stop it from dropping on the carpet, picked up my robe, and made my way into the toilet to clean up.

5 minutes later I climbed into bed and was out like a light.

About 11 am the following day I woke up horny and masturbated to orgasm thinking of the feeling of Christians raw cock rubbing off of the walls of my vagina, sliding in and out of me.

I came, then went into campus to hit the gym to try and sweat some of my hangover off. I ran into Christian in the gym as I was finishing up my workout and gave him my sexiest, “Hey,” as I passed him, putting an extra shake into my stride to try and give him something to look at as I walked away.

[FM] Becoming his slut Part 2

After my encounter with Christian, I passed him in the hallway a few times in the following two weeks, exchanging hellos and not much else.

It was Thursday night. The house I lived in was about a ten minute walk from the only nightclub near the college, and since I had no classes on Friday that year, I spent most of my Thursday nights in that club.

This Thursday night I had been dancing when a nice gentleman asked if he could buy me a drink. I let him, we chatted, we finished our drinks, we danced, he kissed me on the dancefloor, he rubbed my ass through my skirt, I rubbed his cock through his jeans, then I asked him if he wanted to walk me home, which he eagerly agreed to do.

We got home to meet some of my housemates hanging out with friends, including Christian. We said hi, then we went upstairs to my bedroom, where we stripped naked, I lay on my back and spread my legs, he lay on top of me and fucked me till he came, then he went down on me. I wasn’t going to cum from what he was doing to me so I loudly faked an orgasm so he’d stop.

[FM] Becoming his slut Part 1

I was 21 years old, I had just moved to a new city to do my Masters. I didn’t know too many people in my new college, but to be honest I was really looking forward to getting out of my comfort zone and making new friends.

Christian was a friend of two of my new housemates. He was about 6’7”, broad and jacked, and he was beautiful. He was a cocky asshole, who knew how hot he was and boasted constantly about how he had been this close to being a professional rugby player (although, googling his name in a rugby context since has led me to believe he was full of shit.)

I was kind of smitten with Christian the moment I met him. He was out of my league though. That’s not me being low self-esteem or anything, it’s just a statement of fact. My face was pretty enough, straight red hair, b cup tits, a reasonably in shape body over a big ass and thick thighs. I knew how to dress to accentuate my curves when I wanted to look good, and I got plenty of welcome attention from guys when I wanted it. But if I was a 7 or 8 in appearance then Christian was a 10 or 11. And he went for girls on his level; Tall, athletic girls with perfect faces on perfect bodies, and they went for him too.

[FM] I (F36) slept with a graduate (M23)

Josh joined my company and my team as a graduate straight from college last year. He’s from the other side of the country, and at the time he joined were all still working almost entirely remotely, so Josh didn’t bother moving to Dublin when he started, just committed to commuting long distance every once in a while. I didn’t actually work with him very much, he was reporting to Catherine, who reports to me and is basically my work bestie.

I knew Josh was a pretty boy from video calls, his face & hair look like a bit of a poor mans Harry Styles, but when I actually met him in the office the first time I was surprised by how jacked he was. He wore a tight plain T-shirt that day that showed off his muscular arms and hugged his biceps and shoulders. At lunch with Catherine we couldn’t stop talking about how hot he looked in person and I was teasing her that maybe I should reorganise things so that he reported directly to me, so I could have daily video calls with him instead of her, while she threatened to resign if I took his pretty face out of her morning video stand ups.