Renate Part 6: into the past(23f/24m, oral, puppy play)

Wanted to go back the beginning and develop the story and characters and how they got to where they are now. Future chapters continue on from here.

She looked around the house working absent-mindedly cleaning as her mind wandered. Working her way up to the bedroom where picked up a few pieces of clothes and made up the bed. Her eyes passing over everything and stopped on the tail and ears . She had been stopping and looking at them so much. Why did she keep looking at them. What was it that kept drawing her attention to them. Usually she would just move on and forget about it but this time moved closer picking up the ears turning them over in her hands. Lowering her head as she put them on her head. Looking up into the mirror as she wiggled her head watching them bounce.

Renata chapter 5 Aftercare(23f/24m, aftercare)

This picks up where chapter 4 leaves off. There is no sex in this story but is a very important part of the story. I hope you enjoy it still.

He carried her up to the bathroom setting her down gently in chair. He began to run the water for the bath adding her favorite scented oils to it. As the hot water filled the tub he went to cabinet and got a bottle of alcohol and cotton ball. Returning as he cleaned the broken skin on her neck. She jumped alittle at the burning sensation. He blew gently on her neck cooling it. When he saw the tub was almost filled he added bubbles allowing them billow up up to the top of the tub. Helping her up she bent over the tub as he gently removed the plug from her ass. Taking the ears also and setting them aside on the shelf. Helping her into the tub as she felt the hot water and bubbles on her skin. Once she was relaxed in the water he walked over turning down the lights and lighting a few candles making the room glow. Turning on some light music as he lets her soak.

Renata part 4 (23f/24m, puppy play, d/s, anal, oral,)

Pulling up to the house and stepping out of his car he peered toward the window looking to see if she was trying to see him. He was sure she would be wondering if he had brought her home something. He did not see her and reached into the passenger seat removing the large stuffed duck toy. Walking up to the door he was stopped by one of the neighbors greeting him and looking at him quizzical at the large dog toy. He asked when he had gotten a dog. He told he hadn’t. Not bothering to explain any further. Smiling and continuing on to his house saying he would catch up with him later.

Opening the door and stepping in he proceeded to take off his shoes placing them on the mat. Turning then to face her seeing the joy in her eyes as she saw the toy. She was still dressed in the black dress from earlier. He smiled as he walked towards the couch she followed behind him eyeing the duck. She kept quiet until he patted the space next to him on the couch. She quickly jumped into the couch sitting on her legs close to him. “You were a very good girl today Renata and for that I got you something” Presenting her the duck holding it Infront of her. Her smile growing larger as she looked it more before looking to him. He only nodded before it was ripped from his hands.

Renata part 3 23f/24m d/s, public, control

This part is from his point of view and so does not contain as much activity and sets up the next part of the story. So please read part two before you pass judgement.

Sitting at his desk as he aimlessly typed away at his computer replying to emails. His mind wander as it sometimes did when there was nothing challenging for him to take on at work. He had always been smart so answers came easy to him. He had been stuck on the past so much recently. Looking down at his phone checking his messages from her as she told him she was in her ways to meet her friends. Recieving a picture of her outfit for his enjoyment and approval. Switching apps as he playfully teased her making her toy vibrate. His mind continuing to drift to her and what they both had become. After that night he knew this was not something that would just go away.

Renata Part 2 (23f24m, public, s/d, exhib,voy, anal)

Watching him leave for work she pouted as she saw the car pull away. Normally she would busy herself by cleaning or indulging herself by watching her favorite shows or flip through her phone looking for new outfits,toys, or ideas for her latest trend but today she had promised a few friends she would have lunch with them. Her master had made sure she would not be left alone though. She reluctantly left the window and went up to get ready. Walking into the bathroom and removing her clothes. She stared at herself in the mirror looking at her body. Sometimes she wondered what he saw I’m her. He always told her how beautiful she was and she always wanted to believe him and knew he would never lie to her but she couldn’t understand it. She climbed into the hot water of the shower and began cleaning herself.

Renata:The Beginning 23f/24m puppy play

She waited at the front door. Wearing a light cream colored sundress with colorful flowers on it. Upon her head she wore a pair of pointy light brown dog ears. Her ass wiggled slightly trying to contain her excitement. from under the dress a large fluffy brown and white tail curved up into the air. Her black heels clicked against the ground. A wide grin spread across her face as she bounced excitedly up and down. She was always so happy to see her master come home from work. A small squeal of joy escaped her mouth as she heard the keys unlock the door and open it. A man walked through the door. She quickly quieted herself and stood up straight. He shut and locked the door behind him before removing his shoes and placing them on the mat by the door.

Turning after he finished he smiled lightly at her. Reaching for the leash that sat on the shelf next to the door. He attached it patting on her head lightly. The girl dropping down to her hands and knees immediately after the leash was attached to her collar. “Have you been a good girl while I was at work Raelyn? Do you need to go potty?” Leading her to the back yard. It wasn’t very big butt it did have enough space from them to enjoy.