casual interest

She grinned as she looked down at him, finding it curious how the casual interest in his eyes had turned into a driving need. As she lowered herself down upon him, inch by inch, her grin turned into a smile as her sloppy hole swallowed his veiny cock. Soon, his full length disappeared as her puffy pussy lips devoured him, sending a spiraling heat through her that radiated out from her core.

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Categorized as Erotica

Silent hiss

Her breath escaped in wheezy, almost silent hisses as his swollen, massive cock slid effortlessly past the damp folds of her pussy and down into her intimate depths. Just then, she thought back to his threat from the previous day – that soon he would claim her and mark her as his. But it wasn’t him dictating her actions, it was her own desires that had set her body in motion and started the events that ultimately lead her to having him inside her.

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Dangloon Virus

A little piece I started writing. Doesn’t have an ending yet, but I think you can see where it’s headed.

“Brian? Oh my God, Brian, are you in there?” I heard a voice cry out followed by the sound of urgent knocking on my cabin door. “Brian!”

Sitting up in bed, I rubbed my eyes and looked across the room at the clock on the wall. 2:36 P.M. it read.

“coming.” I called out as I stood up, my legs wobbly beneath me as I shook the cobwebs from my head.

“Cathy?” I said, questioningly as I opened the door. “Is everything alright? Did something happen to Slutzky…ah, I mean Jeremy.”

Jeremy Slutzky was my best friend who happened to have the worlds most unfortunate last name. He didn’t mind, though. His soon-to-be wife, Cathy, on the other hand, wasn’t a fan of the name, even though she was hours away from becoming Cathy Meredith Sluzky.

“They shut down the airport.” She said, fighting back alligator tears that welled up in the corner of her eyes.

Earth Side

“High there sailor,” Carley said flashing a young sailor her most alluring smile, knowing one of these lucky new recruits who were just shipped to Drummex Station would find there way into her bed tonight. If she had anything to say about it, it would be one of the cuter ones. If not she would have to settle for whatever was left since it was part of her job to see to it that each Marine and foot soldier spent there one and only night on Drummex Station in the arms of a beautiful women.

“Hi there,” said a young blue eyes young man in a freshly pressed uniform and immaculate trousers. “I didn’t realize their would be pretty ladies here. Are we allowed to talk to you?”

Carley nodded her head, laughing on the inside that not one of the sailors she had been with had ever caught on to the fact that it was her job, along with every other young, hot blooded young women to seduce and make sure every knew comer onto the base had the night of their lives.


A solitary grunt escaped his lips as his thick shaft, now limp and spent, slithered out from inside her, quickly followed by a slow moving river of his viscous seed.

Much more can be found on my blog [](

Milk Maid

Cynthia laid on her bed and patiently waited. The blind fold covering her eyes was starting itch, especially around the top of her noise, but she new better than to give into the urge to itch it. Her breeder would be arriving any minute, and the blind fold was his request. To remove it and then to have him walk in would be disrespectful of his wishes. He must be a politician, Cynthia thought, they were the only ones that ever asked for blind folds. Sometimes they would wear masks, but if she wanted to, she could find out who they were. She had once been bread by the Prime Minister of New Houston, a planet as far from here as one could get in the explored universe. That was when she was just a young heifer, not even a first-calf heifer. His seed never took, but it wasn’t long before another breeders did, and she moved up in the whore food chain from heifer to milk maid first-calf heifer. Now she was a full fledged cow, even though it had been well over a year since she had been successfully bread. Maybe if she played her cards right, today’s breeders seed would take and he might even take her as a concubine on…on…where was she again? Oh, that’s right, Relgavix.

Spanking the Neighbor

 “No, no, no.” I heard her shout as she tilted my head up with a long, red painted finger nail in order to have me look into her soft blue eyes.

Bridget was a neighbor me and my wife had lived next door to for over eight years. She was what I would call thick, as in meaty, but in all the right places. She stood almost as tall as I was, with blonde hair and long, slender legs. She was American, but as she stood before me, wagging her finger down at me as she told me no, I couldn’t help but envision my eighth grade teacher, who was equally as hot, and who spoke with a German accent.

“It’s not about this!” She motioned to her lace and sheer, black panties. “It’s about this,” she added as she turned and gave herself a slap on the ass that reverberated through the vaulted ceiling of our house.

“Yeah, slap that ass.” I said, playing along, or least trying too, still not really sure what was happening.

Granite [MF]

His shaft transformed into a thick rod of granite as his tongue lapped at her meaty folds. She knew from the moment their eyes locked earlier in the evening that it would come to this. In a sense, she had willed this to happen. From the moment they met, she told herself, there was nothing she would not do in order to have his company in her bed. In the end, it was easier to persuade him then she thought it would be. But nothing prepared her for his huge cock and the expert way in which he handled it…And her. She could get used to sharing her bed with someone like him, she thought to herself. Now all she had to do was convince him to lose the condom he insisted on wearing.

Much more can be found on my blog [](

Categorized as Erotica

Dear Diary [MFM]

Dear Diary,

Yesterday my good friend Leroy called me up wondering if I wanted to get a couple of beers after work. He sounded odd and even when I asked him if everything was okay, he insisted everything was, but still I could tell, everything was not alright. When I showed up at our usual bar, the feeling struck me, once again, that something was wrong. He had this look on his face. I thought he was going to tell me her had cancer, or something. You can imagine my shock when he told me he asked to see because, in his own words, “he couldn’t take it anymore.” That’s when he told me he was fucking my wife

He apologized profusely. He e further explained that his reason for telling me was because he felt guilty and couldn’t go on lying. He is also knew that me and my Marisa were trying to get pregnant.

“But…but you got your shit snipped!” I roared, the full impact of what he was telling me talking a moment to sink in. He was lucky I didn’t jump out of my seat and immediately start beating him.

Zombies! [MF]

I had watched a lot of zombie movies over the years and the most surprising thing that I discovered once the zombie apocalypse did happen, was how many things those dumb movies got write. They are mindless creatures that think about only one thing – eating human flesh, and brains. But they are slow, in that they aren’t hard to run away from. But getting caught in a large enough pack could easily mean you death. But there is one thing they got wrong, very wrong.

In the movies and television shows, one easy way to walk amongst zombies is by covering oneself in their rotting flesh. When the group of survivors who were trying to escape with me talked about these, every single one said absolutely not. I was loudest among there.

That first night, we decided to sleep on it. The eleven other people I was with – four guys and seven women – had held up in a four story building that we felt was pretty clear of danger. After scouring the floors we found the building empty and easily enough to barricade. But it had no food, which meant sooner or later we would have to venture out for supplies.