Pridefall, Chapter 2 [MF] [DBZ]

The moment the cargo doors opened again Vegeta strode out and gazed up at the massive building before him. “It’s so… domey.”

“Impressive, huh?”

Vegeta didn’t need to turn to know that Bulma was beaming with pride.

“It’s fine. For Earth standards I guess.”

The woman let out a huff of frustration. “I suppose you’re more used to mansions or… I dunno, fucking castles? Did Saiyans have castles.”

“Yeah, and it was awesome.” The spires on his father’s castle would pierce the skies above the planet. It was supposed to be his… Frieza had paid for what he did to the Saiyans and it pained Vegeta that it hadn’t been him to defeat the evil space emperor.

“Not everything is a competition you know.”

“Sounds like something the one losing said competitions would say.”

Bulma threw her hands up. “Ugh, just shut up and follow me. I’m about to suffocate from your smell.”

“Bitch, you love it,” he mumbled under his breath.

“What was that?”

“Shut up.”

They walked in silence the rest of the way and inside the main lobby which seemed to span for miles.

Pridefall, Chapter 1 [MF] [DBZ] [fanfic]

Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans, slumped up against the tree, soaking in the warmth of the Earth’s sun. It wasn’t quite the same as his home planet’s star, but if this was to be his new home, for now, it would have to do. Or at least it would have been good if not for that woman’s voice penetrating his skull.

He glanced over at the throng. They all knew what he had done back on Namek. An entire village fell by his hand and they had not been revived. The ones that had shot glares in his direction. Yeah, like they could ever do anything to get their revenge. They should count themselves lucky that they were killed by Frieza’s men and not me. Though, killing someone twice is a fucking delicious notion…

His bloodlust quickly faded as the earth woman sauntered over. What was her name again…? Bul-something? It doesn’t matter. How could she be so confident? She knows who I am and what I’ve done.

“Hey, Vegeta,” she said with both hands on her hips, “looks like you’re stuck here on Earth.”

Vegeta scoffed. “Stuck? More like can’t be bothered leaving. Because I could if I wanted to. You couldn’t stop me.”

Playing Footsies, Chapter 6 [MFFFF] [Foot Fetish]

Will awoke the next morning feeling better than he ever had in the longest time. His mind couldn’t stop playing last night over in his mind as he got dressed and almost skipped down the stairs for breakfast.

“Morning you.” Shivani greeted as he entered the kitchen. “Feeling good?”

Will chuckled. “More that you know.”

Vicki entered from the living room. “Good morning,” she said with a smile.

Will smiled at the blonde girl and looked past her into the living room. Madison glared at him from the table and Dani looked down at her breakfast as soon as she saw him looking. He couldn’t forget his encounter with Dani yesterday either.

He went into the cupboard and pulled down a bowl. “So how did the rest of your night go?” he asked Shivani.

She turned to him with a subtle smile. “Let’s just say that I now swing both ways.”

“Well, there you go.” Will poured cereal into his bowl and it tinkled musically. “I got off and you learned something new about yourself.”

Shivani winked and turned. Her foot came up and tapped his butt playfully as she walked away.

Playing Footsies, Chapter 5 [MFF] [Foot Fetish]

Will was intent on taking his mind off feet for a while so he laid out his books on his study desk and sat down, determined to get some actual studying done. But naturally, he stared out the window towards the beach and procrastinated.

His next challenge was getting Vicki to do something with hers. If he got the shyest girl to do it then he didn’t see why he couldn’t get Vicki to. He had already planted the seed earlier today, he simply needed to wait and see if it grew into something worthwhile.

A knock on his door made him turn. “Come in.”

Vicki entered, still in her uniform. “There’s some dinner downstairs if you want some.”

“It’s that time already?” Will looked at the clock on his laptop.

Vicki nodded. “But before that, can I talk to you about our conversation today?”

Will’s excitement rose. “Sure. What’s up?” he said, voice calm.

“Well,” she sat down on the edge of his bed and stretched her legs out. The flip flops she had worn yesterday were back on her feet and on hung off her toes. “I talked to Shivani and I casually mentioned feet, ya know, to plant the seed.”

Playing Footsies, Chapter 4 [Foot Fetish] [MF]

After the long and boring lecture he found himself walking home alone. He had waited by the front gates for a little while to see if one of his roommates came out but they obviously had extra-curricular activities.

He tired the front door but it was locked. No one else was home yet. His key slid into the lock and the door opened. He made his way upstairs to his room but as he was about to enter he stopped. A soft thumping was coming from down the hall. It sounded like it was coming from the other side of the house. That meant it wasn’t Madison and it wasn’t Shivani. Was it Vicki or Dani?

Will dropped his bag in his room and went off to explore.

Down the hallways he went, further passing the room he had been in and around several corners. The music got louder.

Eventually, he found the door it was behind and he put his ear close. Aggressive music pounded from beyond, distorted guitars, fast drums, and what sounded like an angry female vocalist. He hated this stuff too.

Will took a breath and knocked firmly.

Playing Footsies, Chapter 3 [Foot Fetish] [MF]

Will awoke the next day refreshed. The memory of yesterday hit him like a truck and he was instantly excited. He grabbed his phone to check the time. Still plenty left to get ready for his first day of uni.

He made his way to the shower and, making sure no one was in there this time, cleaned off all the dirtiness of the previous day. He dried himself and looked in the mirror. He felt great about today. His goal: get the other two flatmates to indulge in his fetish. He relished in the challenge of getting it done but after the unexpectedness of the last two, he was pretty confident.

He got dressed and made his way downstairs for breakfast. He nearly got lost again but after spotting a few landmarks, found the kitchen. All four young women where there and his eyes instantly locked onto the one he hadn’t met yet.

Playing Footsies, Chapter 2 [Foot Fetish] [MF]

Will opened his eyes to darkness. He reached for his phone and checked the time, squinting as the artificial light blinded him. Eight thirty. He had most likely missed dinner. Or was he expected to make his own? He forgot to ask Vicki how they handled it in this flat. He shrugged and figured he would ask tomorrow. For now he really needed to pee. At least he knew where the bathroom was.

He got up and switched on the light. After allowing himself a few long minutes to gain his eyesight back he opened the door into the dark hallway. No sounds could be heard from anywhere in the house.

Will crept down the hall towards the bathroom. He stopped at Madison’s room and put an ear to her door. The muffled pound of music could be made out from within, it was heavy with loud vocals. He shook his head. He couldn’t stand that crap.

Someone moaned from within and a chill ran through Will’s body. Did she have someone in there? Or was she pleasing herself? He hoped that it was the latter. His cock pushed against his underwear and he thought it best to leave before he got caught and subjected to more kinky domination.

Vivacious Aunt Victoria [Part 2] [MF] [Incest] [Anal]

Rob had almost forgotten about the sleeping arrangement at his parent’s place over Christmas, so when he opened the door to his room a cold fright ran through him. In the second bed of the room, his mother lay, her back to him, dark hair splayed across her pillow, breathing gently.

It had been quite a few years since his parents had been divorced and his mother had kept his childhood home. He wasn’t keen about her sleeping in the same room but she had decided to give her room and bed to her parents.

The thought of Aunt Victoria flooded back to him and a hot flush of shame washed over his whole body. What he had just done to his mother’s sister was beyond wrong. He could still taste Aunt Vicky on his tongue and it tasted so right. He’d never forget the feeling of her tight ass pulsing and contracting against his tongue as she climaxed. And then, of course, he had blown his load right down her throat. The depravity of it made his head spin.

Playing Footsies, Chapter 1 [Foot Fetish] [MF] [Fdom]

Will opened the door to his new flat and crossed the threshold.

“Hello?” No one had answered after the fourth firm knock so he tried the door handle and it had opened rather invitingly. He dropped his bag in the entrance hall and scratched the back of his head. Where was everyone? He raised his voice. “Is anyone home!?” His voice travelled through the house, bouncing off the walls.

“One second!” A feminine voice called out from inside somewhere.

Will felt a tingle and excitement rock his entire body. He always felt this way when he was about to meet some new feet.

The steps sounded closer and he took controlled breaths in an attempt to calm down in the excitement of impending feet. Come on Will, there’s plenty of time to ogle if you’re living with a girl.

The familiar sound of leather slapping against sole came closer and Will had to grit his teeth. A short girl with light hair rounded the corner and Will’s eyes shot straight to the floor before her.

The Clinical Trial [MF] [Medical]

Louise looked up from the patient’s file at the end of the ward bed and looked the young man over. “Anything to report?”

The man lay on his back gazing up at the white ceiling. “I’m fine,” he mumbled, most likely bored out of his mind from such a long in-patient stay.

Louise sighed and brushed a rouge bang from her forehead as she wrote in the thick folder. Condition unchanged. “I’ll be back later to take your bloods.” She slipped her pen into the pocket at her breast and made her way back to the nurse’s station.

She sank into a swivel chair and pulled the hair tie from her strawberry blonde hair, which tumbled down, covering the pen in her pocket. A small moan escaped her lips. It always felt good to let one’s hair down. Unfortunately, the day wasn’t done yet, so she pulled her hair back, capturing that rouge strand of fringe and tied it anew.

The other nurse, Sandra, entered the station and gave her a weak smile. “Just so you know, Louise, there’s a new group of patients coming in.”

“Yeah, I know.”