Pleasing two at once [F21/M21/M22]

Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I intended to write about one story a week, a goal at which I failed desperately. I’ve been preoccupied with a few things, one of which is a series of new sexual adventures that I might type up at some point. However, for now I want to tell another story of a near-threesome, continuing the train of thought from my last post. This one is the closest I ever came… the time I sucked two dicks at once.

I went into this day not prepared for anything sexy whatsoever. I wasn’t expecting a date, or even any drinking, so I saw little chance of anything leading to anything. I was going to see Iron Man 3 with several friends. There was no theater showing it near my college campus, so we all piled into my friend Tom’s car and drove to the movie. During the drive, Tom asked at one point if anyone had planned to chip in for gas money, and of course the answer was no, but my friend Sophia jokingly said “Brook’s probably good for a blowjob.” I had been telling her a lot about my emerging slutiness around that time, so the joke made sense, and I just found it funny and didn’t think anything more of it. After the movie, instead of going right back to campus, we decided to head to this guy Alex’s house to order pizza, because it was close and he had beer.

I guess I liked her [F21/F24]

James was a fuck buddy of mine for about six months. It had an unconventional beginning, he was actually recommended to me by Sophia, a friend of mine who knew about my slutty ways, and who knew he was good in bed because she had slept with him, but stopped when things got serious with someone else. Some might balk at the prospect of banging the same guy as one of their best friends, but I saw it as a valuable experiment. Sophia and I had spent a lot of time talking and comparing notes about sex, and this was my opportunity to see how accurate her opinions really were.

The first night we were together, James gave me the most powerful orgasm of my life up to that point. He was kind of a douche… dominant, cocky, insensitive, and a shameless player… but no one else on my speed dial at that time could come close to satisfying me like he did, so I let him stick around. I also cut him some slack in areas that I normally wouldn’t… like the time he wanted to introduce me to another fuck buddy of his to see how we hit it off, and potentially have a threesome.

He asked and I said yes [F23/M23]

This is a story of hooking up with a guy I had known for about 7 years as a platonic friend. His name was Brian, and we first met in high school, although we didn’t really run in the same circles until college where we became close. High school he was like an acquaintance, someone that you might say hi to or not depending on the day and whether you were already talking to someone else. When we found out we were going to the same college we became closer, and by about midway through freshman year we were good friends. At first there had been a decent sized group of us that came from the same high school, but as people acclimated to their new lives and new identities, it dwindled to just a handful. Brian and I were hanging out a lot at that point, and he was one of my best friends. I must admit, on a couple of occasions I even said that he was like a brother to me.