[F]ucking a guy from the club

My friend Melissa was recently going through a break up and was in desperate need of a distraction. So as most 19 year old girls would, we took advantage of tequila shots and a Friday night.

We started the night off at her place getting dressed and having a heart to heart over wine and a couple shots. She was wearing black jeans and a black bodysuit, her thick dark hair naturally waved down her back. She was wearing a bright yet deep red lipstick atop her pouty lips. I wore a similar bodysuit and matching black ripped jeans with darker makeup in an effort to shy away from the typically cute look I usually dawn. We ordered an Uber around 11pm and I did a quick check in the mirror. My big brown curls were tied half up half down left to cascade down on either of my shoulders, my eyes dark and glinting with confidence both from the tequila and my reflection.

[F]ucking [M]y high school crush

I [19F] used to go to school with this guy we’ll call Devon. Devon was truly something out of a YA novel. Hot, popular football star with a tragic backstory, a good heart and eyes that were kinder than puppies. (Barf).

Y’all…when I say I DO NOT GO FOR THESE BOYS. Him and his friends had the matching popular pretty girls tripping over them left and right. Being more quiet and eclectic, often hanging out with the theatre kids, I had no business keeping more than a harmless fantasy with no intentions of acting upon. I had a couple classes with Devon but we never spoke… until last week when we matched on tinder.

We got together and things flowed so well, the conversation was light and flirty with me intentionally giving him a better view of my ass or chest whenever I could subtly do so.

We went back to his and just about immediately he picked me up and carried me to his bed. His tongue swirled around my nipples before he kissed his way up my jaw.

I teased his cock being admittedly a little disappointed at the size but thoroughly too caught up in my dreams coming true, to care.

[F]ingered under [M]oonlight with a view

The weather was humid and warm even though the sun had gone down hours ago. My skin still seemed warmer than usual, as though traces of sunlight were dancing below the hairs on my arms. I was sitting on top of a rooftop terrace cuddled against a man I had known for less than 12 hours and met in the lobby of my hotel earlier that day.

I could hear his heart beating loud and steadily barely concealed under the sound of his breathing that was also a little too fast for someone supposed to be lounging. I smiled a little to myself figuring he must be a little bit on edge. We talked about nothing in particular, I spoke subtly slow and quiet so that when he would lean closer to hear, I could savour the mixture of his warm breath and stubble against my neck.

I played this game for some time, every once in awhile earning a soft kiss against my neck.

19[F]irst ti[M]e being spanked

Due to conflicting schedules, the past week has been restricted to a series of flurry of flirty texts with a man I’ve been seeing recently. While a week is not an exceptionally long period of time, for someone who’s sex drive is as high as mine it can certainly be trying. For those who read my last post and are possibly interested, this is another story about Matt.

As you may or may not recall Matt is significantly older than I am and for further detail is insanely attractive. He has short but thick dark hair with a couple grey strands that match his sharp eyes. His demeanour is calm but my presence seems to make him squirm a little. I always know when I have his attention because I never seem to lose it and I fucking love it.

I got together with Matt a couple days ago for some drinks and after about half an hour we walked back to his house under the pretence of escaping the loud noise for further conversation however it was clear that talking was neither of our intentions.

[F]ucked by an older [M]an

This story is 100% true in case that needs to be said.

So recently I have been experimenting with some older men following a breakup and after the first one I was hooked. I’m naturally a very submissive person and quite petite which normally attracts bigger dominating guys in itself but apparently being substantially younger adds a whole other element of older men who are practically aching for a young girl to dominate. The most recent guy I saw was about 20+ years older than me, we will call him Matt.