My hoe phase origin story part 2 [FM]

Ok so he passes. I want him.

It’s only been an hour since we arrived at Ethan’s apartment, and now it feels like everyone in the room is trying to get me and this guy to talk and sit closer together. I’m so nervous and start drinking more to calm my nerves. I make an off-hand comment about Megan not having a place for me to sleep tonight, and it sucks that I’ll be sleeping on the floor. Then all the people in the room get up and enthusiastically tell me “there’s an extra bed here!” The room is silent and everyone is staring at me waiting for a response. My face feels red hot, not just from the alcohol but also from the attention. Everyone is in on it and wants us to get together.

Reader, I want you to understand I’m 18 years old and I’ve never slept at a boy’s house before. I’m scared I’m going to get gang banged if I stay here alone without Megan.

I’m scared and im not sure if this is the right choice but I respond “yea I guess it’d be a good idea if I sleep here.” Everyone seems happy that I said yes, and now I know it’s really going to go down.

My hoe phase origin story part 1 [FM]

This is one of those ones where the sex part is okay but the back story makes it suspenseful and cute and satisfying at the end. Part 1 is backstory I’m sorry.

It’s my first year of college, I’ve been super horny the whole year and I’ve had no where to put my sexual energy. I want to start my hoe phase and have sex with strangers, but I’m shy.

I’ve been on a lot of first dates this year. My litmus test to determine whether I like a guy has been to picture him on top of me. So far all of my first dates have given me icky mental images, but I continue my search.

After high school, my best friend Megan went to college 400 miles away. Every time we talk, she asks when I’m coming to visit her. The thing is, I’m so stressed with the transition from high school to college and balancing work and school. I’m really trying to get settled and adjusted, and I don’t want to disrupt that with a vacation right now.

This time I tell her, “I’ll come visit you if you find me some bomb dick.”