My master has called me to service him at a hotel in the middle of the day. It is not easy to get away, but I lie and arrange to meet him. I make myself available whenever it suits him. I am his whore to use.
My hands tremble as I put on my black leather collar in the car. I know people who work at this particular hotel. I hope I can slip in and out of the lobby unnoticed.
With a black leather bag of sex toys in tow, I stride through the lobby and sit in front of a bank of elevators. As instructed, I message my Master to let him know that I have arrived.
The elevator doors open and he beckons me to join him. I am careful to keep my eyes low as I step in beside him. I speak only when spoken to. I am on his time now.
I follow him out of the elevator, careful to remain a few paces behind as he leads me to the hotel room. My heart is racing. Once I cross the threshold I will be completely under his command.