[MF] 24M I came in my 38F Assistant Manager’s mouth in her office.

Hi all,

This happened early last Friday, around 3pm or so.

For some backstory, my manager is a married 38 y/o female who’s married to a decent guy around her age. She has always expressed they have a loving relationship, but that he can never satisfy her the way she wants in the bedroom.

Now, my manager and I go back a few years. She was hired as a regular salaried employee only a few years ago, and recently got a promotion at the start of last August. I report to her when it comes to problems with reports I find and other hands on issues at my job. She also signs off on forms and purchases I make for my job. So I see her many times every day.

I have gotten incredibly close to her since I started working there. We text constantly, and have gotten lunch/coffe together countless times, as our overhead boss doesn’t keep track of us every second, as our job requires we visit other buildings where I work. We share memes, talk, vent, and she helped me through a rough breakup I had last spring.