Wake Up Call- First short, critique would be great!

I woke up in a daze. Sunlight peeked through the blinds of the bedroom window, dancing in the air before it reached my cheek. I grimaced, and turned over, pulling the blanket over my head.

“It’s going to be a long day.” I sighed.

I shifted a little in my sheets against the warm body that slept next to me. The man next to me rolled onto his back and continued to snore lightly. You came home a little late last night, not even bothering to change from your work clothes. My shifting and the alarm hadn’t even affected you. You must have been exhausted, I thought.

It had been a while since we’d kissed, and it was getting on my nerves.

We were both so busy with work, school, new home projects, and family visits, that we barely had time for the simple pleasures of our relationship.
So, naturally, seeing you lying there, with your face so close to mine, I could hardly resist waking you up with a morning kiss.