[F4F] How An Industry Reshaped Society (role-play, romance, story driven, detailed, lactation, breastfeeding)

Hi all. I confess this is all an idea for the setting. When trying to write the list of possibilities for potential characters, specific story lines, etc the post was nearly doubling in size. So, for now as for the actual story and characters I am completely open to hearing your ideas. This is listed as F4F but if you really want I am open to playing as a male character. Likewise, gentlemen, if you really want to be a part of this I am open to you BUT ONLY IF you are willing to play a female character(s). Sorry for the bold emphasis but you wouldn’t believe how many people seem to overlook that bit.

**TL/DR**: This is all an idea for a RP setting. It is still our modern world but due to some issue (genetic, disease, etc, it doesn’t matter) the only source of milk left open to humanity is women’s breastmilk. At first it was just he diary industry itself that changed but gradually this permitted the rest of society/culture. This is NOT a standard ‘hucow’ story in the sense of women being owned, controlled, treated like cattle (no judgements if that’s your thing but it’s not what I’m interested in). On the contrary this is all completely consensual and more often than not a woman’s status can even be elevated because of it.

[F4A (F playing M4A playing F] Secrets of the Past (taboo relationships, incest, romance)

(I am an adult seeking an adult for fantasy roleplaying. All characters are 18+. Just to clarify I am a woman but for this story I will be playing the male character. I am open to male RP partners but only those willing to play the female role.)

**TLDR version**: Alex is a young struggling model who in desperation turned to making a handful of mild porn scenes just to earn enough to make ends meet. These were preformed with an older woman whom he formed a fast bond with as they had many shared experiences, particularly that they were both separated from family. Eventually they found a DNA service that helps people reunite with lost relatives and whey trying it they discover to their utter shock that they are mother and son. The story of the RP is how they deal with that knowledge going forward.

**Secrets of the Past**

[F4F] How An Industry Reshaped Society (role-play, romance, story driven, detailed, lactation, breastfeeding)

Hi all. I confess this is all an idea for the setting. When trying to write the list of possibilities for potential characters, specific story lines, etc the post was nearly doubling in size. So, for now as for the actual story and characters I am completely open to hearing your ideas. This is listed as F4F but if you really want I am open to playing as a male character. Likewise, gentlemen, if you really want to be a part of this I am open to you BUT ONLY IF you are willing to play a female character(s). Sorry for the bold emphasis but you wouldn’t believe how many people seem to overlook that bit.

**TL/DR**: This is all an idea for a RP setting. It is still our modern world but due to some issue (genetic, disease, etc, it doesn’t matter) the only source of milk left open to humanity is women’s breastmilk. At first it was just he diary industry itself that changed but gradually this permitted the rest of society/culture. This is NOT a standard ‘hucow’ story in the sense of women being owned, controlled, treated like cattle (no judgements if that’s your thing but it’s not what I’m interested in). On the contrary this is all completely consensual and more often than not a woman’s status can even be elevated because of it.

[F4F (F playing M4A playing F)] The Burden of Fame in a World Unlike Our Own (character/story driven roleplay, romance, breastfeeding, size play)

Firstly, to clarify, I am a woman but for this story I am only interested in playing the male role. I am open to male partners but only those willing to play female characters. This is a story that I created with one of my favorite roleplay partners who is now unfortunately among the [deleted]. If you’re out there and are reading this I would love to continue. Otherwise, I’m open to anyone interested.

This is an idea that is a combination and culmination of many of my previous prompts and interests. The premise may be quite silly on the surface, I admit that, but that playful absurdity combined with deep, well developed characters is part of what I love most about roleplaying.

The story is set in a modern world very much like our own except with one key difference. The spectrum of size for men’s and women’s endowments (male genitalia and women’s breasts) far surpasses anything which is considered normally achievable here. (I could go on about exact sizes but I’m open to discussing that with you to find something enjoyable for us both.) Not only that but that aspect of exaggerated sizes is at the crux of their society. Those sizes are not only the central aspect of their concept of beauty but carry enormous cultural, social, even spiritual significance.

[F4F] How An Industry Reshaped Society (role-play, romance, story driven, detailed, lactation, breastfeeding)

Hi all. I confess this is all an idea for the setting. When trying to write the list of possibilities for potential characters, specific story lines, etc the post was nearly doubling in size. So, for now as for the actual story and characters I am completely open to hearing your ideas. This is listed as F4F but if you really want I am open to playing as a male character. Likewise, gentlemen, if you really want to be a part of this I am open to you BUT ONLY IF you are willing to play a female character(s). Sorry for the bold emphasis but you wouldn’t believe how many people seem to overlook that bit.

**TL/DR**: This is all an idea for a RP setting. It is still our modern world but due to some issue (genetic, disease, etc, it doesn’t matter) the only source of milk left open to humanity is women’s breastmilk. At first it was just he diary industry itself that changed but gradually this permitted the rest of society/culture. This is NOT a standard ‘hucow’ story in the sense of women being owned, controlled, treated like cattle (no judgements if that’s your thing but it’s not what I’m interested in). On the contrary this is all completely consensual and more often than not a woman’s status can even be elevated because of it.

[F(playing M)4F] The Burden of Fame in a World Unlike Our Own (character/story driven, romance, breastfeeding, size play)

Firstly, to clarify, I am a woman but for this story I am only interested in playing the male role. I am open to male partners but only those willing to play female characters. This is a story that I created with one of my favorite roleplay partners who is now unfortunately among the [deleted]. If you’re out there and are reading this I would love to continue. Otherwise, I’m open to anyone interested.

This is an idea that is a combination and culmination of many of my previous prompts and interests. The premise may be quite silly on the surface, I admit that, but that playful absurdity combined with deep, well developed characters is part of what I love most about roleplaying.

The story is set in a modern world very much like our own except with one key difference. The spectrum of size for men’s and women’s endowments (male genitalia and women’s breasts) far surpasses anything which is considered normally achievable here. (I could go on about exact sizes but I’m open to discussing that with you to find something enjoyable for us both.) Not only that but that aspect of exaggerated sizes is at the crux of their society. Those sizes are not only the central aspect of their concept of beauty but carry enormous cultural, social, even spiritual significance.

[F4F] Two Ideas Connected By A Theme

**Searching To Reclaim The Passion Of A Lost Love**

Being accepted into art school was a dream come true for Alicia yet in many ways it filled her with as much apprehension as it did joy. Throughout her entire youth she had been plagued by issues of anxiety and depression, and while she had dealt greatly with them over the years vestiges still remained. While becoming a professional artist was something she had always dreamed of and knew getting into that college would be a phenomenal next step in her development the thought of being in a crowded competitive studio environment brought up all her old fears again. To help ease her into things long before her actual classes at the college began Alicia enrolled in a small private life drawing course. And it was there that she ended up meeting… her.

She was one of the models for the life drawing sessions. Despite the fact that she was then more than twice her age – Alicia having just turned nineteen – she thought she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She had a loving gentleness that was writ upon every inch of her body, and being the life model ‘every inch of her body’ was exactly what Alicia saw from the first day they met. She also happened to have the largest breasts she had ever seen.

[F(playing M)4F] The Burden of Fame in a World Unlike Our Own (character/story driven, romance, breastfeeding, size play)

Firstly, to clarify, I am a woman but for this story I am only interested in playing the male role. I am open to male partners but only those willing to play female characters. This is a story that I created with one of my favorite roleplay partners who is now unfortunately among the [deleted]. If you’re out there and are reading this I would love to continue. Otherwise, I’m open to anyone interested.

This is an idea that is a combination and culmination of many of my previous prompts and interests. The premise may be quite silly on the surface, I admit that, but that playful absurdity combined with deep, well developed characters is part of what I love most about roleplaying.

The story is set in a modern world very much like our own except with one key difference. The spectrum of size for men’s and women’s endowments (male genitalia and women’s breasts) far surpasses anything which is considered normally achievable here. (I could go on about exact sizes but I’m open to discussing that with you to find something enjoyable for us both.) Not only that but that aspect of exaggerated sizes is at the crux of their society. Those sizes are not only the central aspect of their concept of beauty but carry enormous cultural, social, even spiritual significance.

[F4F] Searching To Reclaim The Passion Of A Lost Love

[This is entirely fictional. I am an adult seeking an adult for roleplaying. All characters are 18+. Etc, etc.]

[Addendum for anyone interested in M4F. As I’ve mentioned in several other prompts where it is contextually appropriate I am willing and interested in playing male characters. While I initially thought of this story as F4F, and will be writing the prompt as such, should you prefer I play a man this one would be easy enough to rework.]

One of my greatest passions when it comes to roleplaying is all of the initial creative work that comes before the roleplay itself. I love talking with my partner to craft our characters, their histories, personalities, and lavishly detailing the world and culture in which they live. Also – and this will come as no shock to anyone who even glances at my previous prompts – I have some specific interests on the kink side of things for which I am equally passionate (more on that soon). I’m surprised to have never considered this before but I’d like to try a story which wholly incorporates those kink interests into the history, meaning, etc of the characters themselves. In all my previous stories the creative side of things and the kink side of things, while both are always present, just sort of happen to occur together without much connective tissue between them. Ergo, here we are with me attempting to give a character some reason and history behind my kink.

F4F (F playing M4F) The Real World Implications of a Fantasy

To clarify right off the bat I am a woman but for certain stories – this obviously being one of them – I have an interest in playing as a male character. I am only seeking female partners however I am open to male partners but only if you’re willing to play female characters. I am an adult seeking an adult for fantasy roleplaying, all characters are 18+.

The part of roleplaying that has always been the most fun to me in creating nuanced characters with my partner and detailing the world in which they live. As you can tell from my other prompts a primary concern of mine is that deep emotional bond between the characters which feels real no matter how outlandish or fantastical the story or setting may be. Thinking about all this recently it made me realize that something I love but rarely get to explore are the real world emotional and psychological ramifications of actually living with the fantasies we create here. That being said I’m fully aware of how ridiculous this is going to sound, but what I’d like to try here is playing out what the realistic life would be like for a young man with an absurdly large penis.