Hi all. I confess this is all an idea for the setting. When trying to write the list of possibilities for potential characters, specific story lines, etc the post was nearly doubling in size. So, for now as for the actual story and characters I am completely open to hearing your ideas. This is listed as F4F but if you really want I am open to playing as a male character. Likewise, gentlemen, if you really want to be a part of this I am open to you BUT ONLY IF you are willing to play a female character(s). Sorry for the bold emphasis but you wouldn’t believe how many people seem to overlook that bit.
**TL/DR**: This is all an idea for a RP setting. It is still our modern world but due to some issue (genetic, disease, etc, it doesn’t matter) the only source of milk left open to humanity is women’s breastmilk. At first it was just he diary industry itself that changed but gradually this permitted the rest of society/culture. This is NOT a standard ‘hucow’ story in the sense of women being owned, controlled, treated like cattle (no judgements if that’s your thing but it’s not what I’m interested in). On the contrary this is all completely consensual and more often than not a woman’s status can even be elevated because of it.