R4R Success Story: Feisty Londoner [M]eets Visiting Viking for Some Rough Strugglefucking

I’ve been sitting on this one for a while now, but this summer I posted on r/CNC_Connect looking for women in London willing to let me…go all out, as it were. If you don’t know what CNC is, it’s an umbrella term for the kind of sexual encounter when one party pretends to not consent – Consensual Non-Consent. Being overpowered or taken advantage of in some way is a surprisingly common fantasy! It’s definitely skirting the line, and consent is taken very seriously by anyone who does this kind of thing responsibly. Anyway, I had a slow trickle of responses to my post, and over the course of the following week somewhere between five and ten redditors messaged me. Most of them told me that they liked my post, a couple wanted to chat, one American lamented the configuration of the continents, and not one but **two** lovely ladies expressed interest in meeting up! This the story of one of those ladies, and I think it fits perfectly with your December contest, because nobody in my private life would ever suspect that there’s nothing I enjoy more than giving a girl a proper slap right across the cheek, before telling her to shut up and take it.