[FM] Ex Boss and Me

So this happened about 2 years back, pre-covid time. I had a boss in my office, who I knew had the hots for me.. and I wasn’t that far off either. He was a handsome dominating kind of man, with a strong build. You know the kind of guys I like, I would tease him a little bit in the office, not much, just the occasional hips swaying, or going in his cabin with a button undone to show him some cleavage and see his reaction. He surprisingly could control himself and this continued, me teasing him lightly every day.

So the act happened the last day of his work, he was gonna change offices and even the state.. so I thought let’s tease him a bit more.. bending much more than before, going in the cabin every few often
With others to congratulate him and tell him we will miss him at work… So at the end of the day we had brought a cake for him and after blowing it and cutting it, I was having my piece of cake, and stuff all packed, ready to leave work that day. All of us were. I was feeling quite good and all the teasing throughout the day had me quite hot too.