[MF] A Little Help

Friday night. It’s just about the most barebones way to open a story, but it already says plenty. Everybody can relate to the feeling of relief that comes over a person when they clock out of work for the week, or they get out of that last class. In my situation, it was a little of both, considering I was spending the night hanging out with eight or so friends from my university.

It’d be hard to call the gathering a party, considering there was no booze, no jocks, and nobody having wild sex…all we had was a humble little get-together of friends in a dimly-lit apartment. It wasn’t a bad place by any means, of course; the New Hampshire apartment was warm and cozy, clean, and most importantly, the object of entertainment for the night was on the center table: Adult Loaded Questions! After all, regular Loaded Questions just wouldn’t do it for college students, right?

I was seated on the love seat, idly browsing on my phone. Two or three of my other friends were in the same boat, and the remaining ones were chatting about nothing in particular. We didn’t have these sorts of nights all the time, but we enjoyed them while they lasted. Most of us were usually busy with work, school, or both.

Summer Swap – A Swinger Double Story Written by my Ex and Myself – [mfmf] [exh] [swing] [voy] (x-post from r/sexystories)

This is a crosspost going quite a way back! I’ve been feeling pretty pent up lately, so I decided to revisit, and thought I should upload it here while I’m at it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

A few years back, I was in a long-distance relationship with Kim. We both enjoyed writing, so we’d exchange written RPs and erotica every so often. There was a period of time that I was getting more interested in the kinkier side of sex, and asked her to write a swinger story involving us and two of her friends. She agreed, and we both decided to write a story from our point of view, keeping things semi-realistic by limiting the interactions to second base. Of course, I got her permission to post these, in case anybody was curious. I’ll be posting my version of the story, and then hers. Enjoy!


The long-anticipated day had finally come when the conditions were just right. Sometime in late summer, Kim, Brandon, Shauna and I were in a medium-sized tent in quiet seclusion. In our comfortable sleeping clothes, everything was perfectly cozy. The rain was pouring, and thunder rumbled across the sky. The noise absolutely filled the air, which was perfect for the activities that our hormones would drive us to.

Summer Swap – A Swinger Double Story Written by my Ex and Myself – [mfmf] [exh] [swing] [voy]

A few years back, I was in a long-distance relationship with Kim. We both enjoyed writing, so we’d exchange written RPs and erotica every so often. There was a period of time that I was getting more interested in the kinkier side of sex, and asked her to write a swinger story involving us and two of her friends. She agreed, and we both decided to write a story from our point of view, keeping things semi-realistic by limiting the interactions to second base. Of course, I got her permission to post these, in case anybody was curious. I’ll be posting my version of the story, and then hers. Enjoy!


The long-anticipated day had finally come when the conditions were just right. Sometime in late summer, Kim, Brandon, Shauna and I were in a medium-sized tent in quiet seclusion. In our comfortable sleeping clothes, everything was perfectly cozy. The rain was pouring, and thunder rumbled across the sky. The noise absolutely filled the air, which was perfect for the activities that our hormones would drive us to.