I Lost Myself in Mexico (Day 3)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Day 1](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t6iej5/i_lost_myself_in_mexico_day_1mfcheatcon/?)

[Day 2](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t8y5qu/i_lost_myself_in_mexico_day_2mfcheatcon/)
The bus full of free spirits never had a particular destination in mind. They drove, stopped where they pleased, and continued on down the long road that would take them to the tip of Chile if they so desired. There was never a plan, no itinerary, and no thought of meals or a place to rest until those things became necessary.

I did not adapt well.

We bounced down the highway as the morning cold began to make way for an afternoon heat, passing town after town, the coastline now out of sight and replaced by small mountains and wide, placid lakes.

I was staring at my phone. The last text I’d sent Sarah was when I’d arrived in Ensanada two days prior. She hadn’t bothered to respond.

Before I left home, I told her I’d call her every night—my cell plan afforded me service in Mexico—but she wasn’t interested.

*Just text me when you get there*. She was so dismissive, like she couldn’t wait for me to be gone.

My Brother’s Wife (Part 7)[M/F][Cheating]

My father disappeared just as suddenly as he had arrived, but I knew that he’d seen everything.

He saw Dani’s legs wrapped around me, my shorts at my knees, and my ass on full display.

He heard me groan like an animal as I exploded inside of her, all while I was swirling in the strange mixture of pleasure and shame.

It was only a matter of time until somebody caught us, but why the fuck did it have to be him? I suppose it could have been worse—it could have been my mom—but I found myself wishing that Mike had caught us instead. We could have hashed it out right there, falling into a frenzy of flying fists and cursing each other until one of us emerged victoriously. It would have been messy, but at least the conflict would have been direct.

Dani slipped down from my arms as the door slammed shut, already sobbing, her voice full of panic. “Oh my god. Oh my god. What the fuck, Alex? He saw us. What the fuck are we going to do?”

“I don’t know…”

I Finally Found My Mother And I Think I Want To Fuck Her (Ch.01)[M/F][Inc][Cheat]

There she was. Twenty-five years old and I’d never known what my mother looked like, but there she finally was.

Her green eyes watched me through the screen of my laptop, trapped in the portrait of her profile picture. For a while, I thought that the private investigator I had hired wasn’t going to come up with anything. I wouldn’t have thought him incompetent or anything; after all, I wasn’t even sure if my parents were alive. So, when he gave me a name, Tracy Dunn, with an accompanying address in North Carolina, the first thing I did was look her up on every social media platform I knew of. Eventually, I found her. I was sure it was her the moment I saw her face.

It was a full-body shot of her in a modest but form-fitting black dress. I could see myself in her instantly, or her in me… The shape of her sharp nose, the way her brown hair gently curled at the ends, and those piercing green eyes. Even her cheeks rode high with her smile, just like me. She didn’t look a day over forty; had she really been that young when she brought me into the world?

My Brother’s Wife (Part 6)[M/F][Cheating]

I sat up for hours in my hotel room that night, staring out of the window over the void of the ocean. A light rain had streaked tears on the glass, little more than a mist to obscure the world outside.
Dani was just down the hall but she felt farther away from me than ever. I imagined her cleaning up my blacked-out brother, and it made me furious. She shouldn’t have to deal with that—she should be pampered and cared for and loved every night until she fell peacefully to sleep.
The image of Mike’s corpse-like body hugging the toilet had imprinted itself on my mind. I couldn’t shake the disgusting thought that he really was dead and that I could finally have everything I wanted now that he was gone.
Did he deserve to die for taking her for granted?
Would I kill my brother for Dani?
The idea made me sweat. It flipped my stomach until I couldn’t take it anymore. I lurched up to the bathroom, hurling into the toilet until the unnatural thoughts had been purged from my system. When there was nothing left to spew, I flushed the bowl and collapsed onto the toilet seat.
All that was left was the thought of her; the amazing escape on the beach; the love we’d made in the shower while my brother dipped in and out of consciousness.
My hand moved without my brain’s command, fishing my phone from the pocket of my slacks and navigating to the file that kept my secret pictures of Dani. They were my buried treasure. My precious horde of gold and gemstones that I kept from the world.
Out of all the pictures Dani had sent me—in various poses of exposure—the one that I landed on was the closeup of her face with that slight, concerned smile. I zoomed in so close that her nose and eyes filled the screen as if she was nose to nose with me as I held the screen up to my face. My other hand had pulled my sad, growing erection from my pants, and I began to stroke myself slowly as I gazed into the eyes of my lover.
I could feel her sweet lips brushing against my ear as she whispered to me.
My hand became hers, smooth and delicate as she teased my cock from tip to base.
The precum pouring out of me pretended to be her juices, her pussy soaked for me as I inched into her.
“Dani,” I moaned to the empty bathroom. “I love you, Dani.” I panted faster and faster as I began to tug at myself viciously. “I love you—I need you—I want him gone—I want him dead fucking leave him fuck why why why fuck FUCK!”
My arm snapped back and launched the phone into the shower door, cracking the tall glass. I jumped up, still screaming as I drove my heel down into the phone. Rage had taken over, and I watched from the passenger seat as my sorrow destroyed the device.
In an instant, my fury released me and I slumped against the tiled wall in a pathetic heap of tears and a fleeting erection. I gathered up the pieces of the phone, finding myself even more distraught when I realized that I had broken it beyond repair. The phone’s guts hung out of it like the intestinal tract of a gutted man—the pictures were gone forever…
The night slept around me as I wept on the bathroom floor.
I hated my brother.
I hated Dani for being with him.
And then I hated myself for thinking that I could ever hate her…
In the morning, I made a quick escape from the hotel, leaving a note that apologized for the cracked shower door and asked them to charge it to my bill. The light of day assaulted my eyes as I walked to my car, my body tired and sensitive from a mild hangover and the lack of sleep.
My parents were hosting a Sunday BBQ at their house, and I couldn’t abandon it without bringing unwanted attention to myself. So, I got ahead of the others, arriving at my parent’s house before anyone else, even my parents, had arrived. I took a quick shower, downed a cup of coffee, and passed out in the guest room.
The sound of laughter and grocery bags being torn open downstairs pulled me from an uneasy sleep, and when I came downstairs, my parents, Dani, and my aunt and uncle were in the kitchen preparing for the feast.
“There he is!” my dad cheered, stomping over and giving me a fatherly hug. He was especially jubilant that morning, and the glowing look on my mother’s face told me everything I needed to know about their night. “Where did you disappear to last night? I tried calling you a few times this morning but your phone was off.”
“Ya, I lost it,” I said, glancing in Dani’s direction. “I must have dropped it in the surf when I was down at the beach.”
“Ahhh,” my father hummed, jostling me with his elbow. “Late night with a lovely lady from the wedding, huh?”
Dani granted me a subtle smile which I refused to return. I saw the hurt in her eyes as I turned away, and it made me hate myself even more. “Ya, something like that, dad.”
I gratefully accepted another cup of coffee from my mother, asking no one in particular, “Where’s Mike?”
“Ohh, Mikey has a little hangover,” my mother squeaked.
“A little one?” My uncle boomed. “That boy is on death’s doorstep.”
His wife slapped his arm as he laughed to himself.
If only…
“Ahh, he’ll be alright,” my dad said, cutting into a big slab of meat. “When this venison starts cooking, the smell will pull him right out of bed and down the stairs. Come on, let’s get out back and enjoy the sunshine!”
It was objectively a beautiful Sunday, but I was looking at the world through shit-tinted glasses. If I was in the sunlight, it was too hot; if I took to the shade, too cold. The clear water of the pool looked uninviting. My mother’s famous margaritas did nothing but overwhelm my depressed tastebuds with salt. And the banter between my dad and uncle that never failed to crack me up was falling flat.
That is until Dani returned from a short trip into the house. She had changed out of her Sunday summer dress, dawning a see-through beach robe and a black bikini. Her tits were covered but bursting, and the bikini rode up her busty ass as she walked. Suddenly, the world was vibrant again. For a moment, I forgot about the sorrow and hate and lost myself in her elegance.
More guests had arrived. Cousins. Family friends. And enough kids to bring joyful chaos to the backyard.
A few of the younger boys begged Dani to swim with them, and she obliged. I’m sure they were just being horny kids, eager for her to strip out her beach robe so they could get a look at a real woman. Dani was so good with them, matching their youthful energy and never shying away from an opportunity to be silly and make them laugh.
But when she finally emerged from the water, I had to cross my legs to hide my excitement. She dripped in the warm sunlight, oozing sex appeal as her curves folded and flexed. I imagined the two of us swimming together in an otherwise empty backyard. Our feet would tease each other under the water, inching closer together with each playful splash. Her body would stick to mine when we embraced—her legs wrapping around my waist—and we would float aimlessly until my back came against the edge of the pool. Sliding her bottoms to one side, I’d press my way into her, going slow until we broke past the barrier of water acting as an anti-lubricant.
My father’s voice ripped me from my fantasy, and I averted my eyes from Dani’s body.
“I said, how many burgers do you want?” he asked, his eyes scanning my face with that parental interrogation that sons and daughters love so much.
With the food ready, the adults took seats around the long patio table. Even in my foul mood, I had to admit that the burgers were delicious.
“Did you shoot this buck yourself, Phil?” Dani asked as she took a huge bight from her venison burger. I couldn’t help but smile as a bit of avocado dribbled down her lip. She certainly wasn’t a shy eater. Add it to the endless list of things I love about her.
“I did indeed,” my dad said proudly. “And I thank that animal for the meat it provided. You see, hunting is all about respect for the creatures you kill. A quick death. An honorable use of every part of the deer.”
My dad leaned away from my mother and towards Dani, his tone hushed, “I’ll show you my rifle after we eat. Have you ever fired a gun before?”
“Dad,” I interrupted, my mouth full of meat. “Come on, she doesn’t want to—”
“I do want to,” Dani said, her voice whipping my mouth shut. “And I never have, Phil. Would you teach me?”
“Of course!” my dad whispered. “Finish up your food and meet me in the garage. Alex, you come too. You can teach her the rules of weapon safety.”
Dani and my father smiled at each other, and I buried my face in my plate until my food had disappeared. When they were done, my dad snuck off first, then Dani, and I reluctantly followed. When I arrived in the garage, dad already had the safe open and two rifles resting on his workbench.
“Ah, there his. Shut the door!” My dad hissed. “Your mom hates when I show these off.”
“It makes you look like a redneck,” I teased, walking over to the table and picking up one of the rifles. I slid the bolt back and ensured that the chamber was empty. The weapon was unloaded and safe.
“I ain’t no hillbilly!” my father proclaimed. “Now, teach Dani here the golden rules.”
“Why do I have to do it?”
“This way I can see if you’ve forgotten anything and teach her at the same time,” he said, smiling as he put a finger to his temple. “Two birds with one stone, son. That’s why I get paid the big bucks.”
“Fine,” I grumbled, turning to face Dani with the rifle in my hands. She stood with her hands clasped in front of her, eyes attentive and alert. I gazed at her for a moment before shaking off my dirty thoughts. This was serious, and I had to treat it as such.
“Guns are dangerous, Dani,” I said, looking down at the rifle. “And as such, we should treat them with the respect they deserve. They aren’t toys. They’re tools.”
I slid the bolt back again and drew her attention to the empty chamber. “Even though this gun isn’t loaded, you must treat it like it is. Always treat a weapon like it’s loaded, and never point the barrel of a weapon at anything or anyone you’re not prepared to shoot.”
A flash of my brother’s drunken face invaded my mind. My trigger finger twitched restlessly.
Dani’s eyes were drawn to my finger as it moved, and I used it as a segway into my next point. “Never touch the trigger until you have decided that you’re ready to fire. Even when the safety is on.” I showed her the safety. “Keep your finger away from the trigger.”
I could see myself pulling the trigger, and my brother’s face distorted and blurred.
I droned on in monotone, drowning in twisted thought. “Always know what’s behind your target… You could miss and hit someone else… Or the bullet could pass through your target and hit whatever’s behind it…”
My dad clapped dramatically next to me. “Look at that, he’s still got it. Alex is a crack shot too, Dani. You’ll see when we take you shooting sometime.”
“I don’t doubt that he is,” she said, and I smiled at her.
“Were you paying attention?” I asked.
“Then repeat it all back to me.”
And she did. She made it clear that she had digested and understood how to be safe with a weapon so I handed her the rifle, nodding my head as she took it and immediately made sure to point it down and away from us.
“I always knew you were smart, Dani,” my dad said. “And that’s the only kind of person I trust around a loaded gun.”
After a few minutes of familiarizing her with a few of the rifles, my mom’s screeching voice bled through the walls of the garage, “Phil! Where the hell is that man? Phil, come help me with the damn dishes! I swear if he’s in there showing off his guns…”
“Shit,” my dad hissed, running to the door. “Alex, put that stuff away, will you? She’ll have my ass if she finds out.” With that, he fled back into the house and shut the door.
I carefully took the rifle from Dani, sliding into the rack in the massive gun safe.
“I texted you this morning,” she said. “What happened to your phone? I know you didn’t drop it in the ocean.”
“I broke it.” I couldn’t help but snap at her, and I immediately felt like an asshole for doing it.
“Oh, OK…” I had closed the safe, but neither of us moved. “Alex, are you upset with me?”
“What do you think?”
Dani huffed, tears already welling up in her eyes. “What do you want me to do? Do you think this is easy for me? Don’t you realize that being devoured by my guilt?”
“Why should you feel guilty?” I was pacing now, fighting back the urge to punch a hole in the wall. “He doesn’t fucking deserve you, Dani! No one knows that with more certainty than I do!”
“Maybe not… but he doesn’t deserve to be lied to and cheated on either,” she whimpered, burying her face in her hands.
I stopped my pacing, closing the distance between us until I could smell the chlorine in her hair. “Do you even love him?”
“I… I did,” she admitted, not looking up at me. “And I still do in a way. But not like I love you, Alex. What I feel for you doesn’t even seem possible. And I think I’ve felt this way for a long time. But we’re not supposed to fucking love each other. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be…”
“But it is, Dani,” I whispered, taking her by the wrists and lowering her hands. Her cheeks were streaked with tears, and I reached up to wipe the sadness away. “I’ll never forgive myself if I let you go. I’ll never stop trying to convince you to follow your heart—”
She kissed me. Tears still rolled gently out of her, sharing the sorrow with my cheeks as our tongues crashed together. We broke for a moment as I lifted her by her ass and set her down on the workbench.
“I know, Alex,” she said, sliding the beach robe down her body. “And I don’t want you to stop…”
Anyone could have opened the door and found us there, but we didn’t care. I reached down and slid her bikini bottom’s to one side as she ripped the velcro on my shorts open. My cock was already soaked with precum, sliding against her clit before cruising perfectly into her.
Her sandals flopped onto the garage floor one after the other as her legs crossed and her ankles hooked at my lower back. It was primal, furious sex. We both gasped and moaned as I fucked her relentlessly on the bench.
Handtools rolled and fell as the workbench knocked against the wall, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t hold back my lust for her. I rammed into her harder, determined to pump my seed into her right there in my father’s garage.
I bit her lower lip.
She scratched me hard on the back.
One of her tits bounced and finally popped out of her top.
“Oh fuck, Alex,” she moaned into my mouth. “Fuck fuck fuck—”
“Hey, you two!” The garage door flew open and my father’s head poked inside.
I was already cumming and I refused to pull out of her. Instead, I lifted her and turned away from the door, shielding her from my father’s furious, disappointed eyes…

I Lost Myself in Mexico (Day 2)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

[Day 1](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/t6iej5/i_lost_myself_in_mexico_day_1mfcheatcon/?)
Whether because of the alcohol or marijuana or both, I don’t think I dreamt on that first night in Mexico. Rather, I found myself in that stage of sleep where you can’t be sure whether you’re awake or dreaming.

There was the hum of an engine lulling me back to sleep with the help of gentle bumps in the road anytime my eyes had the nerve to open; there was light, but that further urged my eyelids to shut again.

Was it a road trip with Sarah? I remember when we drove to Yellowstone, the way her mouth fell open, drool hanging from her bottom lip as she slept in the passenger seat. We would take pictures of each other with an old polaroid camera whenever one of us dozed off on the long, sleepy roads, fighting playfully over the photographs until we had to stop the car to make love in the backseat.

Her amber hair waved in the wind. The sun glanced off of her golden skin. She put her feet on the dash, toes wiggling, my eyes drawn to her long legs that ended in a pair of denim shorts.

My Brother’s Wife (Part 5)[M/F][Cheating]

Dani and I knew we couldn’t stay hidden in the sand for long, it was only a matter of time before a drunk wedding guest stumbled out to the surf to relieve themselves via vomit or urine.

Still, we held each other until we shivered under the chilly sea winds.

“I think we should head back, Alex,” Dani said, standing up and adjusting her dress. I wanted to rip that red fabric from her body and take her again, but I swallowed back the urge.

Stupidly, I held out my hand to her as if we would walk back to party together, our fingers interlaced like husband and wife. She sighed, shaking her head and heading up the berm with her heels in hand.

“Wait a few minutes before you come back,” she called out before disappearing above the sand.

Of course. She was heading back to my brother—back to reality—but I was stuck in this fantasy world we had built for ourselves. Here, beneath the stars, anything was possible for Dani and me. I could see our bodies etched in the constellations above, naked and forever entangled in a passionate dance. Little stars were born from the beauty; children, our beautiful children that looked and acted and laughed the way she did. We would grow old together, forever floating in our endless lustful love.

I Lost Myself in Mexico (Day 1)[M/F][Cheating]

My stomach lurched as the little boat swayed and dipped into Ensanada’s choppy harbor. The turbulence of the sea was one thing, but the smell of salt water mixing with the city’s hurricane of curious scents—which I’d nearly forgotten during our four hours spent chasing invisible whales along the coastline—washed over and capsized my gut.

The captain, a short, perpetually grinning Mexicano, had assured us that this was the perfect season for spotting gray whales, but all we’d seen were diving pelicans as the crew sputtered us around the two small islands just outside of All Saints Bay. Regardless, the crew and my fellow tourists enjoyed themselves, drinking beers brought aboard in big coolers and laughing every time the front of the boat crashed down over a big wave. I sat mostly in silence, scanning the horizon for the great mammals I never got to see, acutely aware that I was turning forty next week and nobody on the boat gave a shit. Or anyone else in the world, for that matter.

I Lost Myself in Mexico (Day 1)[M/F][Cheat][Con]

My stomach lurched as the little boat swayed and dipped into Ensanada’s choppy harbor. The turbulence of the sea was one thing, but the smell of salt water mixing with the city’s hurricane of curious scents—which I’d nearly forgotten during our four hours spent chasing invisible whales along the coastline—washed over and capsized my gut.

The captain, a short, perpetually grinning Mexicano, had assured us that this was the perfect season for spotting gray whales, but all we’d seen were diving pelicans as the crew sputtered us around the two small islands just outside of All Saints Bay. Regardless, the crew and my fellow tourists enjoyed themselves, drinking beers brought aboard in big coolers and laughing every time the front of the boat crashed down over a big wave. I sat mostly in silence, scanning the horizon for the great mammals I never got to see, acutely aware that I was turning forty next week and nobody on the boat gave a shit. Or anyone else in the world, for that matter.

My Brother’s Wife (Part 4)[M/F][Cheating]

Days had dripped painfully by without a word from Dani, and she was all I could think about. I couldn’t even concentrate at work, sneaking off to the bathroom countless times during the day to jack off to the pictures she had sent me.
I begged her for more, but she wouldn’t respond to a single one of my texts. Hell, she was probably deleting them as soon as she received them, afraid that my brother, Mike, would catch the screen lighting up with a text from me begging to see more of her body.
Countless times during the week I thought of excuses to head over to Mike and Dani’s house, but I always backed out at the last minute. It would raise suspicions, we never hung out during the week. Besides, I’d see her in a few days at the wedding.
Our cousin was getting married, and the thought of Dani in a flowing summer dress was driving me insane. I made sure that my suit was tailored and sharp. There was no way she’d be able to ignore me when I was dressed to the nines. I knew that she wanted me just as badly as I needed her.
I didn’t bring a date to the wedding, much to the disappointment of our parents. Standing in the back row as the guests began to file into the seats, the coastal breeze doing a number on everyone’s hairdos, my mother berated me for being single.
“You need to settle down, Alex,” she said, glancing over at the bevy of lovely bridesmaids. “You know, Martin’s wife has quite a few single friends here. And I think I’ve seen a couple of them ogling you in that fancy suit.”
“Jesus Christ, Mary,” my father groaned. “Leave the kid alone. He’s only twenty-four, and when the perfect girl comes along he’ll sweep her off her feet. Trust me, he’s got my blood running through him.”
My mother rolled her eyes, jabbing me with her elbow. “Well, now I’m definitely worried for you.”
We both laughed for a moment, that is until I caught sight of the perfect girl.
Dani was walking up the path to where the ceremony was being held, her black heels striking the pavement in time with my pounding heart. Where other girls shielded themselves from the aggressive wind, Dani embraced it, letting the breeze caress her red dress and furl her black hair out like a pirate’s flag. She wore a black cardigan over her shoulders, just enough coverage to make you have to peak if you wanted a look at her curves being strangled beneath the dress.
And I did want a peak. I wanted more. I wanted to walk right over to her and fuck her in the sand.
“Oh, there’s Dani,” my mom said, waving her over. “And your brother.”
I didn’t even hear the last part, mumbling stupidly to myself. “I see her…”
Out of my peripheral vision, I caught my dad giving me a strange look, so I swallowed down the lump in my throat and composed myself.
“What’s up fam!” Mike called out, and I sighed at his stupidity.
The two hugged everyone (I thought about strangling my brother during our embrace), and finally, Dani stepped up to me. We awkwardly put our arms around each other, careful not to ignite under the already rising heat between us.
“Hi, Alex,” she said as we parted.
“Hello, Dani.”
We all exchanged pleasantries until we were ushered into our chairs for the ceremony. I tried to position myself to get a seat next to Dani, but my mother plopped me down next to some friend of the bride.
“She’s single,” my mother whispered in my ear as she took the seat next to me. “I checked…”
“Mom, please stop trying to pimp me out…”
The ceremony dragged as I stole glances in Dani’s direction. She had one leg crossed over the other, letting her dress ride up a bit. The way her foot was dangling in her heels was already making me hard, which isn’t an easy thing to hide in a pair of slacks.
Finally, the ceremony ended, and I counted backward from a hundred to get my boner to back off before I had to stand up.
The reception was quite the ordeal. My cousin’s parents had money, and they spared no expense. The whole thing was set under this massive tent, sort of like an old-school circus, that let the breeze roll gently in from the sea. There was a beautiful spread of seafood, an open bar, and probably two hundred people in attendance.
Myself, my parents, my brother, and Dani were assigned a table with another aunt and uncle. This time, I made sure to get the chair next to Dani. Mike didn’t bother to pull her chair out for her when we first sat down, so I jumped at the opportunity, even taking her cardigan from her and sliding it over her chair as she sat down. I let my fingers linger on her shoulder blades where no one could see, and Mike was already halfway to the bar by the time I had laid claim over the seat next to his wife.
“Thank you, Alex,” Dani said with a smile, but there was lightning in her eyes already. I was pushing it, hoping she would push back.
Mike came back with a handful of shots, eager to get the party started. It did not take long before things started to get risky between Dani and me.
I was three shots in, and the conversation was flowing at our table. Everyone was laughing, shouting across the table, and my dad wouldn’t stop trying to flick grapes into people’s drinks. At one point, he nailed a shot into my uncle’s whiskey sour, and the table launched into uproarious laughter.
This was my chance. I shot my hand under the long white tablecloth, finding Dani’s bare leg and running my fingers down her calf. She tried to hide her surprise, but I felt it in her skin. Goosebumps had pocked her thighs, and I let my fingers run gently over the bumps as I laughed with the others at the table.
After a few moments, Dani cleared her throat and repositioned her chair so she was facing me. I had no choice but to retract my hand, and I glanced down to make sure that the table cloth was hiding my massive erection.
My father had begun to tell one of his famous stories about his time in the Air Force, and Mike had gone off to the bathroom. Everyone was looking at my dad, listening and laughing at the appropriate times when I felt something soft brush against my leg.
It didn’t take me long to realize that Dani and taken one of her feet out of her heels, running her toes up my leg under the table cloth. I reposition my chair a few inches towards her, not enough to make it obvious but enough to lean my leg out and give her more access.
I felt her snake her way into my crotch, and I glanced down to see her beautiful toes flexing and groping at my erection. She began to run the sole of her foot over my shaft, and I scooted the chair in a bit so that the scene was completely out of sight. She was going to make me cum in my pants, and she fucking knew it.
I threw a pleading glance in her direction, and she met it with a devilish grin as she twirled a few strands of her black hair with her fingers.
Another minute of that and I would cumming at the table in front of my parents, so I shot my hands down and grabbed her foot. Feeling her skin in my hands nearly drove me over the edge, but I took a few deep breaths and regained control, massaging her sole and running my hand up her ankle.
I watched her miss a few breaths, slinking down a bit in her chair as her chest heaved and her cheeks went flush to match her dress.
Her body was calling out to me, sending me fucking smoke signals that I couldn’t ignore. But suddenly everyone was looking at me and I had missed some crucial cue in the conversation.
“Isn’t that right, Alex?” My dad asked, smiling at me like he was setting me up for the big punch line.
*Fuck.* I thought. *What the hell was he talking about?*
I had to take a guess. There were several stories that my dad liked to tell where he expected my brother or me to come in with a big assist at the end. But which one was it?
Given the setting and the amount of liquor he’d knocked back, I took an educated guess.
“Right!” I yelled, bringing up one hand and slapping the table. “And then your commander asked: is that your monkey, sergeant?”
Everyone’s heads tilted back like wolves howling at the moon as they died laughing. I’d hit the mark. In the time it had taken for me to come up with the big save, Mike had returned to the table and Dani and taken back her perfect foot.
As the night wore on, the drinks kept flowing. Everyone at the table was good and drunk, but Mike just kept bringing back shots from the bar. But around the sixth shot, I noticed something. As we all clinked glasses, I glanced over at Dani and watched her pretend to take her shot, dump the whiskey under the table, and slam the shot glass down.
I don’t know how long she had been doing that, but I followed suit. She was getting Mike drunk; well, Mike was getting Mike drunk, but she was keeping her wits about her.
When everyone started dancing, I knew this was my time to get Dani alone. The guests were mingling together like the blowing sand on the beach, and everything was becoming more chaotic. People switched tables at will, drinks spilled and glasses shattered, and the good times kept rolling.
Dani had asked Mike to dance, but he was too shitfaced to even register the question. I watched him wander off towards the bar as I talked to my cousin on the other side of the tent, and Dani sat alone and sullen at the table. What a tragic sight, someone so beautiful but so alone.
“Alex, man. You know that half of these women have been eye-fucking you all night,” Martin said, stumbling over his words. He was enjoying his wedding night. “Get out there, son. Make your move.”
As he said that, Dani grabbed her cardigan and headed to the far side of the tent, walking out into the breeze and towards the beach.
“That’s good advice, Martin,” I said, slapping him on the back. “Wise words from a married man.” With that, I headed out of the other side of the tent so that no one would know who I was following.
Walking away from the tent and out onto the sand was like walking away from the sun and into the void of space. The party was lively and bright underneath the canopy, but out on the sand, things were peaceful under the cover of night. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I found that the stars were putting on a show above us all. The waves fell gently over the shore, and I spotted Dani near the tide in her red dress. Her heels were dangling in her hands, and jet-black hair flowed wildly around her like the night was trying to take back some of its darkness.
She saw me coming, flashing me a smile as she dipped her toes in the retreating waters.
“I was hoping you’d follow me,” she said as I descended down the berm of sand that the tides had built. It dropped us down a few feet, low enough to not be seen by anyone in or near the tent.
I walked right up to her, cupping her face with one hand and taking her leg with the other. “I know.”
We kissed as if time had stopped; as if we were suspended in the void of space and no one could reach us. There was no hurry or panic, no urgency as our hands explored each other’s bodies again. I lifted her dress until her ass freed itself, her pale cheeks dropping into the night like passing comets.
Her heels fell to the sand.
My belt became unbuckled.
And soon I was laying with my back against the berm, watching Dani ride with the stars blanketed across the night’s sky behind her. Her hands reached up to free her breasts from her dress, lowering the straps until they perched themselves beautifully in the air. Her body moved with slow, passionate purpose, and she gasped each time my shaft sunk deep into her.
“Alex,” she moaned, again and again. “Oh, Alex!”
This time, I didn’t have to tell her to say it.
“I love you! Alex! I’m in love with you!”
Our bodies began to crash violently together like two galaxies colliding. All of the pleasure and pain and sorrow and joy coalesced into a dazzling cosmic display of pure perfection grinding herself into me. Her face was wrought with the terrible mixture of sorrow and hopeless optimism, and I pulled her close as I filled her under the milky way.
As we trembled together, reality slowly made itself known. First, I heard the waves, then I felt the breeze. All of it took away from the pure experience of her flesh against mine.
Then, to my dismay, I heard the party in full swing in the distance. I suppose it could have been my imagination, but I swear I heard my brother screaming like an idiot somewhere in that tent.
I held onto perfection for a moment longer, whispering in her ear. “I love you too, Dani. Everything is going to be alright…”
It was a lie, no matter how many times I told myself it was true.

My Brother’s Wife (Part 3)[M/F][Cheating]

Dani’s wet, soapy body pressed against mine as we listened like foxes alerted by some predator in the woods. When the house groaned with the sound of the garage door closing, we knew were in trouble.

“Get out! Get out!” Dani hissed, throwing back the shower curtain and shoving me out.

We were a whirlwind of panic, gathering up my clothes and rushing out of the hot water’s fog. Over the second floor railing, I caught a glimpse of the door to the garage opening, and I turned this way and that looking for a place to hide, my erection slicing through the air like a dagger.

Fuck! I mouthed to Dani, whose eyes were wide with terror. With nowhere else to go, she hurried me into their bedroom. I know our options were limited, but fuck did I feel trapped in that room. My brother’s heavy footsteps were already ascending the stairs, and he called out to his wife from the other side of the wall.

“Baaabe! Where are you? Fuck. I am hungoooover!”