In another story I wrote how about how my wife has a thing for me doing dishes and other activities with my hands that will often lead to sex. She also has a thing with me falling asleep first at night, where sometimes if I go to bed early, she will later get into bed and start grinding her ass into me hoping I will wake up. This is some of my favorite sex because I will often be a little confused but also VERY horny and uninhibited, almost like I’m on drugs, and I have a feeling that this is the aspect she likes because she’s in a mood to be ravaged.
Anyway, last night this happened and it was some very intensely passionate foreplay, with me dry humping her roughly from behind in her leggings. I reached a hand around to rub her pussy, and quickly pulled her leggings down exposing her ass (and causing a sexy excited gasp!) in these ridiculously sexy cotton bikini underwear (also for Christmas) that were soaked through by now. After a while longer I pulled her panties down around her thighs to join her leggings, and was just rubbing so hard against her ass that I’m still a little sore today.