This subreddit gives me a lot of good reading material. While a lot of stories here are not really fully “gone wild” they are still mighty fine. I decided to add a bit from myself. I’ll go with my (M19) first time story, perhaps it will make some of you dear readers satisfied :). I might miss some details due to how long ago it was.
So this happened about 14 years ago, when I was 18 or 19. I met this girl randomly via internet messanger popular in my country. Can’t remember which one of us actually wrote the first message, it might have been her. Our conversation was pretty fine since the first moment, we had quite a few common subjects: music, movies, clothing, whatever.
She was one year older than me (F20), studying in my city and coming from a town not far away. She and another girl were renting a room at some rich widow’s house. That was actually a sweet deal she had regarding that room. The lady took less than rooms were generally rented for. She was a rich, childless widow that was all alone in the house, she rented the room to girls and acted very friendly towards them, she often went for vacations and brought them gifts. Like expensive shoes from Italy. That was crazy. But lemme get back to the point.