[M/F] “trust me” a first step into dominance Pt 1.

Since my last post, I’ve gotten a few PMs and questions about my philosophy about how to be dominant. So much so that I’ve repeated this story privately a few times and I think I might as well share it here. Now to some of the super pros out there, this might all seem very amateur, so if you have criticisms, then please I'm all ears.

The story in question relates to the first time that I actually felt like I successfully dominated my ex. This was at the onset of our relationship, where we were both still discovering our limits. At this point I knew she had a submissive nature, and the inner dom in me was rising, so I started planning our first real, sub dom night.

One of the things I chose to do is to not use any toys, straps, equipment, chains or whatever. I believe if I can’t dominate her just as I am just with my words and my actions, I don’t deserve to. Toys and accessories, in my opinion, should not be aids but enhancements. One needs to earn the right to use them, not use them as a crutch. If you can’t control her without such things, eventually, you’ll misuse them and lose your control. (this might all be bullshit but it makes sense to me in my head).

[M/F] Getting a BJ… at a Friends wedding… during the ceremony :D

Hi so I’m back again. I’m glad quite a few people enjoyed my last story, so I’m back with another, admittedly not quite as epic as the one before but wouldn’t want to give all my good stories away all at once. And reliving some of these exploits are helping me with my current dry spell ever since my break up.

So in keeping with that vain of thought, I thought I’d share another story about Sarah that I've been fondly thinking of: that time I got Sarah blew me at a friends wedding… while the ceremony was going on :D

Okay so firstly, no they weren't super close friends of ours, we knew them through family and frankly we only went because we had never gone to Connecticut. Our thought was, it was cold up in Canada, and a 4 day vacation wouldn't hurt. We’d show up for the ceremony, eat some food, pop off early, go check out some sites, see some gardens, eat food, fuck somewhere, it’d be fun right? Who would have thought the best part of the whole trip was actually during the ceremony lol.

[M/F] Rimming my GF while she skyped her ex boyfriend :D

So I (25m) recently got out of a 2 year relationship with a very kinky girl (26f). We explored and experimented with a lot of things and I wanted to share one of the most exhilarating experiences I had with her last spring: giving her her first rimjob while she’s on skype with her ex boyfriend:

Boring back story, skip this if you don’t care:

So Sarah didn’t exactly leave her ex on the best of terms, they were each other’s first, middleschool friends, teenage sweethearts, together for like 3 years. And half way through he got sucked into online gaming and became an ass, never abusive, just neglected her, ignored her, was inconsiderate, and overall just a dick. When she broke up with him he hardly cared. She still cared about him as a friend, but was so pissed at how it ended.

Fast forward to last year, he contacts her out of the blue, saying he’s finally moving on with his life, growing up a bit, moving out of his parents, place, going to uni, getting his shit back together and he wanted to apologize to her about how things ended and maybe rebuild a friendship. Now she had mellowed out enough about it to at least talk to him a bit, and start a conversation, which was all fine and dandy.