[MF] A Coworker, Dress, A Blowjob.

I’m a lady in my late 40’s, Married, kids, good family and a decent job.

I work with a group of people and there happens to be a good looking younger man in his late 20’s. Over the last couple of years we have flirted off and on with each other. We would grab coffee, have lunch, talk about relationships and life.

I’m at work one day just browsing on-line looking for a new dress for a wedding I was going to attend. I had just found the perfect one when he happened to just sneak up behind me and said “wow you would look incredible ravishing in that”
I blushed a little, laughed and jokingly told him my size because at that moment I couldn’t afford it.

About a week go’s by and it’s business as normal and then he comes by my desk and drops a little package off and told me “Thanks for always being a good friend” shows me his cute big smile and walks off.
I quickly dash to a storage room we have down the hall. Open the package and there’s the dress I wanted. I was jumping up and down like a kid I was so excited.