The time I fucked a girl in the back of a moving truck [MF]

To be clear, it wasn’t a truck that was moving, it was a truck used for moving lol. Though I’ll probably add that to my list of things to try.

So I was on tinder (pre covid), and looking for a quick hookup. It was around day 3 of a dry spell when I finally got a responsive match. Some girl nearby named Amanda. She looked pretty hot from her profile.

Her messages were odd though. Typically short and to the point, like she was upset. But she was pretty encouraging on us meeting, so I kept going. Still couldn’t shake the strange texts though.

After about an hour, she asks to meet, like right away. Like it would be urgent. I agreed. She asked me what I would be wearing, identifying features, etc. Strange. She told me what she would be wearing, and an exact place and time she would be waiting, and how long we had. I got those bad vibes again, but pussy is a hell of a drug. She said she “might” explain later.

How my wife encouraged me to hook up with her sister [FM]

So my wife(Alex) and I have always been good with communication. We’ve been together for the better part of a decade and we’re incredibly close. We are literally each other’s best friend. There came a time in our life though, that sex sort of lost it’s novelty. At that point, we started looking up ways to spice up the bedroom. We’ve tried lots of things. We watched porn together, bdsm, inviting friends over to join us, cam with other people… you name it, we probably tried it. It was fun and got us by for a few years. I’m lucky enough to have a wife that’s bisexual that actually prefers women to men by a large margin, so that also helped spice things up greatly.

The final thing we decided to try was opening up our marriage. My wife was interested in hooking up with other women on tinder, and so was I. Just talking about the idea between ourselves got us hot for each other. It stoked that fire.